Install on Mac using Ollama

by Apdouglas - opened

Dumb question, I know... Sorry.
I'd like to install this in Ollama on my Mac Mini (M1 2020).
I've got Ollama installed and working with a number of models - but I can't get this one.

ollama run Orenguteng/Llama-3-8B-Lexi-Uncensored
pulling manifest
Error: pull model manifest: file does not exist

Am I doing something basic wrong?
Can someone point me how to download/install the model?

thanks for any help.

@Apdouglas I don't use Ollama, but I assume it suppots only GGUF ? maybe you should try the GGUF version instead

This is not the correct way to run it on Ollama.
Please go to:

Orenguteng changed discussion status to closed

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