Please update ? Falcon is significantly better in non-english than llama-70B. Even Falcon 7B can beat it in grammar

by cmp-nct - opened

Should not be a big thing to include the small falcon model to your latest updates.

Did you evaluate chinese in Falcon vs llama ? With european languages Falcon beats even the largest llamas.

OpenBuddy org

Yes we are planning to do that.

and if the stablelm-3b’s version will be updated?

Yes we are planning to do that.

Awesome, I really like how OpenBuddy responds to my long input requests, it appears to be better than the other fine tunes in understanding long data.
I tried llama-70B and it's just not good enough in grammar, great in english only.
My go-to model is OpenBuddy Falcon 40B (currently V9), the 7B one is nice for smaller stuff that requires fast processing.

OpenBuddy org

and if the stablelm-3b’s version will be updated?

Yeah we planned to trained a new 3b too.

Yes we are planning to do that.

Awesome, I really like how OpenBuddy responds to my long input requests, it appears to be better than the other fine tunes in understanding long data.
I tried llama-70B and it's just not good enough in grammar, great in english only.
My go-to model is OpenBuddy Falcon 40B (currently V9), the 7B one is nice for smaller stuff that requires fast processing.

Sounds great, we are also considering to train a long-context version of falcon-series models.

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