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def take_a_photo(camera="back", resolution="1080p"): """ Captures a photo using the specified camera and resolution settings. Parameters: - camera (str, optional): Specifies the camera to use. Can be 'front' or 'back'. The default is 'back'. Optional to provide. - resolution (str, optional): Sets the photo resolution. Options include '720p', '1080p', and '4K'. The default is '1080p'. Optional to provide. Returns: - str: The string contains the file path of the captured photo if successful, or an error message if not. Example: '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/MyApp/IMG_20240310_123456.jpg' """ def get_trending_news(category=None, region='US', language='en', max_results=5): """ Fetches trending news articles based on category, region, and language. Parameters: - category (str, optional): News category to filter by, by default use None for all categories. Optional to provide. - region (str, optional): ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for region-specific news, by default, uses 'US'. Optional to provide. - language (str, optional): ISO 639-1 language code for article language, by default uses 'en'. Optional to provide. - max_results (int, optional): Maximum number of articles to return, by default, uses 5. Optional to provide. Returns: - list[str]: A list of strings, each representing an article. Each string contains the article's heading and URL. """ def get_weather_forecast(location, days=1): """ Provides a weather forecast for a specified location over a given number of days. Each day's forecast includes a brief description of the expected weather conditions. Parameters: - location (str): The location for which the weather forecast is desired. Can be a city name, ZIP code, or other location identifiers. - days (int, optional): The number of days to include in the forecast, starting from today. The default is 1 day. Optional to provide. Returns: - list[str]: A list of strings, each representing the weather forecast for one day. Each string includes the date and a brief description of the weather conditions. Formatted in 'YYYY-MM-DD: Description' format. """ def send_email(recipient, subject, body, attachments=None, cc=None, bcc=None): """ Sends an email with optional attachments, CC, and BCC. Parameters: - recipient (str): Primary recipient's email address. - subject (str): Email subject line. - body (str): Main email body content. - attachments (list of str, optional): A list of file paths representing files to attach to the email. Defaults to None, indicating no attachments. Optional to provide. - cc (list of str, optional): A list of email addresses to include in the Carbon Copy (CC) field. Defaults to None. Optional to provide. - bcc (list of str, optional): A list of email addresses to include in the Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) field. Defaults to None. Optional to provide. Returns: """ def search_youtube_videos(query, max_results=10, search_filter="Relevance"): """ Searches YouTube for videos matching a query. Parameters: - query (str): Search query. - max_results (int, optional): Maximum number of search results, by default, use 10. Optional to provide. - search_filter (enum, optional): Filter for search results, chosen from 'Relevance', 'Upload date', 'View Count', 'Rating'. By default, use 'Relevance'. Optional to provide. Returns: - list[str]: A list of strings, each string includes video names and URLs. """ def find_route_google_maps(origin, destination, mode="driving"): """ Computes a route using Google Maps from an origin to a destination. Parameters: - origin (str): Starting location. - destination (str): Target location. - mode (enum, optional): Mode of transportation, options include 'driving', 'walking', 'bicycling', and 'transit'. The default mode is 'driving'. Optional to provide. Returns: - List[str]: The string provides the route details. """ def check_nest_smoke_detector_status(): """ Check the current status of a Nest Smoke Detector. Parameters: Returns: - str: A message with the detailed smoke detector status. This message includes information about battery level, sensor functionality, and connectivity status. """ def send_text_message(contact_name, message): """ Sends a text message to the specified contact. Parameters: - contact_name (str): The name of the recipient contact. This is the identifier used to locate the contact in the messaging service or device's contact list. - message (str): The content of the message to be sent. This is what the recipient will receive. Returns: """ def make_phone_call(phone_number): """ Initiates a phone call to the given phone number. It can handle both international and domestic numbers. Parameters: - phone_number (str): The target phone number. For international numbers, use the international format (+country_code national_number). For domestic numbers, use the standard national format without the country code. Returns: """ def create_contact(name, phone_number, email=None, organization=None, notes=None): """ Creates a new contact entry in the device's address book. Parameters: - name (str): Full name of the contact. - phone_number (str): Primary phone number of the contact. - email (str, optional): Email address of the contact, default is None, optional to provide. - organization (str, optional): Associated organization name, default is None, optional to provide. - notes (str, optional): Additional notes or comments, default is None, optional to provide. Returns: """ def set_timer_alarm(time, repeat=False, label=None): """ Sets a timer or alarm for a specified time. Parameters: - time (str): Alarm time in "HH:MM" 24-hour format. For example, "07:12" for 7:12 AM. - repeat (bool, optional): Whether the alarm should repeat daily, default is False, optional to provide. - label (str, optional): Custom label for the alarm, default is None, optional to provide. Returns: """ def change_screen_brightness(level): """ Adjust the device's screen brightness level. Parameters: - level (int): Desired brightness level, on a scale from 0 (minimum) to 10 (maximum). Returns: """ def create_calendar_event(title, start_time, end_time, location=None, description=None): """ Schedules a new event in the calendar. Parameters: - title (str): Event title. - start_time (str): Event start time as a string in ISO 8601 format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM". For example, "2022-12-31-23-59" for 11:59 PM on December 31, 2022. - end_time (str): Event end time as a string in ISO 8601 format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM". Must be after start_time. For example, "2023-01-01-00-00" for 12:00 AM on January 1, 2023. - location (str, optional): Location of the event. The default is None, optional to provide. - description (str, optional): Detailed event description. The default is None, optional to provide. Returns: """ def set_volume(level, volume_type = VolumeType.RING): """ Sets the volume level for a specified type (ring, media, alarm). Parameters: - level (int): Target volume level, from 0 (mute) to 10 (maximum). - volume_type (enum): The category of volume to adjust, select from VolumeType.RING, VolumeType.MEDIA, VolumeType.ALARM, by default it is VolumeType.RING, optional to provide. Returns: """ def connect_to_bluetooth_device(device_name, timeout=10): """ Attempts to connect to a specified Bluetooth device within a given timeout. Parameters: - device_name (str): The name of the Bluetooth device to connect to. - timeout (int, optional): The maximum time, in seconds, to attempt a connection. The default is 10 seconds. Optional to provide. Returns: - bool: Returns True if the device was successfully connected within the timeout period, False otherwise. """ def enable_do_not_disturb(enabled): """ Toggles the Do Not Disturb mode on or off. Parameters: - enabled (bool): True to enable, False to disable Do Not Disturb mode. Returns: """ def set_nest_temperature(target_temperature): """ Sets a Nest Thermostat to a desired temperature. Parameters: - target_temperature (float): Target temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, ranging from 50 to 90. Returns: """ def play_music_on_nest_hub(music_service, playlist_name): """ Streams music on a Google Nest Audio device from a specified service. Parameters: - music_service (str): Music streaming service name. - playlist_name (str): Playlist name to play. Returns: """ def play_video_on_nest_hub(video_service, playlist_name, resolution="2K"): """ Streams video on a Google Nest Hub device from a specified service. Parameters: - video_service (str): Video streaming service name. - playlist_name (str): Video playlist name to play. - resolution (enum, optional): Desired video resolution, chosen from '360p', '720p', '1080p', '2K', '4K'. default is '1080p', optional to provide. Returns: """ def open_or_lock_door(status): """ Opens or locks a door using a Google-compatible smart lock. Parameters: - status (enum): Desired action, chosen from 'open' or 'lock'. Returns: """ |