Edit model card

Gemma 2 - Inference Endpoint

NOTICE: This model does, in fact run on inference endpoints. Just click deploy, unlike with regular GGUF models. The model is no longer stored, merely linked. Enjoy <3

  "inputs": "A plain old prompt with nothing else"

Multi turn coming soon...

Hello! I wrote a simple container that allows for easy running of llama-cpp-python with GGUF models. My goal here was a cheap way to play with Gemma, but then I thought maybe i'd share just in case it's helpful. I'll probably make a bunch of these, so if you have any requests for GGUF or otherwise quantized Llama.cpp models to become inference endpoints, please feel free to reach out!


I used the excellent quant by lmstudio-ai/gemma-2b-it-GGUF,

My email is newp@justkidding.net

Just kidding, it's sam att samuellmeyers DOT... com

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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) does not yet support llama.cpp models for this pipeline type.