Getting substantially different results when run on local system vs when run on hf inference api

by Gopalkrishna - opened

Local result:

Screenshot (11).png

hf-api inference:

Screenshot (12).png

Why is this happening?

@MoritzLaurer please help resolve this issue at the earliest. Thank you.

@MoritzLaurer I am currently using transformers version 4.40.2 is that causing the problem?

@Gopalkrishna the difference is that for the first output you've most likely set multi_label=False while for the widget you have set multi_label=True

MoritzLaurer changed discussion status to closed

@MoritzLaurer Nope. Have kept multi=True for both. What do you think is the reason now?

@MoritzLaurer thank you for the suggestion i had a typo in naming the multi_label = True attribute. Issue has been resolved thank you.

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