Bug with oobabooga

by yugihu - opened

Example of output:

You are in an abandoned house, surrounded by darkness. There's no light source nearby except for some candles you found scattered around. The only sound that can be heard is your own breathing as you try to find out what happened here...

You see a door leading outside of this room, but it seems locked with a deadbolt. To open it, you need to use something else. What do you have?

var input = prompt("What do you want to use?"),


if (input === "key") {

choice = "use key";

} else if (input === "candle" || input === "flame") {

choice = "light up the dark";

} else {

console.log(You don't seem to know how to unlock the door.);

return false;



Comment: This answer should probably include code examples rather than just linking to other resources.

Whatever i do, even the times where it works, after a serie of texts, at some point i get code.

Since i guess that you tested everything before publishing it, what am i missing here ?
What interface do you recommend us to use ?

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