Please reconvert to new GGML format

by Delta36652 - opened

llama.cpp now includes GPU offloading support, but it requires for model file to be represented in new GGML file format.

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Second this. Please convert to GGML3 with the new K Quants.

I tried to do k-quants for this model myself the other day because I was asked to, but it's not currently possible.

There's currently an issue that prevents making k-quants with certain models, models which feature tensors that aren't divisible by 256.

That affects two types of Llama models:

  • Ones that had a vocab size of 32001 instead of 32000 (because of the addition of a PAD token - which I think was an early hack which got copied even where it's not needed)
  • Models based on OpenAssistant which have a vocab of 32016 tokens.

This model is an example of the latter, so it won't be possible to make k-quants until this is resolved:

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