My settings

by Yobenboben - opened

After gathering stuff from the discussion thread for this model and the SillyTavern discord server, I settled on this:
Text completion preset
Story string
Lorebook for all chats
I really like the responses I get with this, so I am sharing it here.

Thanks for sharing!

I have a question so please, explain it to me because I might be missunderstanding how those work in the end or not... I do not know. Why there's often a STORY STRING instead of CONTEXT TEMPLATE in those settings that people upload? It's just a CONTEXT TEMPLATE preset, right? Why is it not called CONTEXT TEMPLATE and INSTRUCT PRESET the way it's actually called in Silly Tavern? Is it not the same and I am using those wrong? Judging on format of those and how they load into Silly Tavern, they seem to be context templates with a weird name? If so - why call them like that instead of a context template? Please, help me understand it once and for all :-( Thx in advance!

Hey @sphiratrioth666 ,hope this helps a bit!

Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 10.29.24.png

Hey @sphiratrioth666 ,hope this helps a bit!

Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 10.29.24.png

Yeah, it helps! Thank you very much! I was already importing those and using them without problems - it's just that I did not pay attention to those small, grey headlines so I did not understand why story string instead of context template when I import it "under" context template :-D Now it's clear, haha. Thx a lot!

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