[help]ImportError: cannot import name 'TextStreamer' from 'transformers'

by kaede114514 - opened

ImportError: cannot import name 'TextStreamer' from 'transformers' (/usr/python3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/transformers/init.py)

My transformers version is 4.31.0

北京零速科技 org

According to Transformers docs, TextStreamer should exist in 4.31.0. https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/v4.31.0/en/internal/generation_utils#transformers.TextStreamer

shiyemin2 changed discussion status to closed
北京零速科技 org

It is speculated that there is a problem with the path, please confirm the path of the model @kaede114514 , cc @shiyemin2

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