Request: aifeifei798/llama3-8B-DarkIdol-2.3-Uncensored-32K

by aifeifei798 - opened

Model name:

Model link:

Brief description:
The module combination has been readjusted to better fulfill various roles and has been adapted for mobile phones.

  • Saving money(LLama 3)
  • only test en.
  • Input Models input text only. Output Models generate text and code only.
  • Uncensored
  • Quick response
  • The underlying model used is winglian/Llama-3-8b-64k-PoSE (The theoretical support is 64k, but I have only tested up to 32k. :)
  • A scholarly response akin to a thesis.(I tend to write songs extensively, to the point where one song almost becomes as detailed as a thesis. :)
  • DarkIdol:Roles that you can imagine and those that you cannot imagine.
  • Roleplay
  • Specialized in various role-playing scenarios

An image/direct image link to represent the model (square shaped):

Lewdiculous changed discussion status to closed

Thank you very much

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