Request: Nitral-AI/Eris-Beach_Day-7b

by Lewdiculous - opened

Model name:

Model link:

Brief description:
Perhaps an experimental tropical mix of nice performing roleplay models.

Additonal quants (if you want any):

Default list of quants for reference:

    "Q4_K_M", "Q4_K_S", "IQ4_XS", "Q5_K_M", "Q5_K_S",
    "Q6_K", "Q8_0", "IQ3_M", "IQ3_S", "IQ3_XXS"

An image to represent the model (square shaped):


Lewdiculous changed discussion title from Request: to Request: Nitral-AI/Eris-Beach_Day-7b

@Nitral-AI You might still be experimenting with this one?

@Lewdiculous I havent even tested it tbh, was using most of the side-merges last night to work on ChaoticNeutrals/Eris-Lelanacles-7b

Although in retrospect most of these side merges probably work great as models on their own.


Aighty. Makes sense now.

Lewdiculous changed discussion status to closed

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