Cured my Goliathtism

by nonetrix - opened

Just wanted to say thanks for making this model, out does goliath-120B for me personally and runs on my GPU nicely with 16K context. Now I only need this model and Mixtral saving like 100GBs+ of disk space. Looking forward to future iterations

Might I suggest implementing this model next time:

It should give it better understanding of anatomy perhaps and effects of doing certain things etc. Also seems strangely uncensored so it's a good fit

nonetrix changed discussion status to closed

Might I suggest implementing this model next time:

It should give it better understanding of anatomy perhaps and effects of doing certain things etc. Also seems strangely uncensored so it's a good fit

I will set this up today. The reason it's uncensored is because censoring a model makes it stupid. If you look at society, the smartest people are often times the most dangerous. ;)

You messaged me as I was sleeping lol I was up till about 6am EST last night working on a website for my company.

and...thank you for supporting us. if you want me to notice things faster you can @ Stanley Sebastian in our team's discord!

Kquant03 changed discussion status to open
Kquant03 changed discussion status to closed
Kquant03 changed discussion status to open

I wasn't making a moral statement on AI censorship, I am not the biggest fan of it either. I just found it funny, that is all

I wasn't making a moral statement on AI censorship, I am not the biggest fan of it either. I just found it funny, that is all

yeah just a thought from me, after reading your message.

finished that model you asked for, I can GGUF it as well for the people without GPUs.

You can also test my merge, although I can't really promise it's quality just my first rp merge

Seems decent to me being just a 7b model, but don't just include it just to be nice see if it scores well on whatever benchmark in the README at least not sure honestly lol

But safe to close ig?

You can also test my merge, although I can't really promise it's quality just my first rp merge

Seems decent to me being just a 7b model, but don't just include it just to be nice see if it scores well on whatever benchmark in the README at least not sure honestly lol

I can maybe test it personally but I think west lake and samantha provide a much fuller experience, aligned with giving the user a good time ;)

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