model documentation

by nazneen - opened
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Hi @Henk717
This PR has documentation about your model and is based on the format we are using as part of our effort to standardize model cards at Hugging Face. Please feel free to merge as is or edit as you like and then merge.

KoboldAI org

Hi @nazneen ,

Is this standard to be applied to all models on Huggingface? If so, then I need to sit down and work on it properly, because there are a lot of models that need updating because of this change. Is there a template that I can use as a guideline?

@mrseeker87 there is no rush and we are doing it for a very small fraction of the models right now. This model is one of those that we want to have good documentation for so please edit or merge the PR whenever you get a chance.

Here's the template

ve-forbryderne changed pull request status to merged

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