Do you have an evaluation dataset in Agricultural context?

by jcssafedep - opened

We were able to host the dhenu on Google cloud TPUs. However, we need some dataset to evaluate dhenu's performance as compared to underlying llama3.

I believe you will do security alignment later?

Please suggest few prompts to try out too

KissanAI org

(1) We will do alignment later.
(2) Working on Agri evalset to be published, soon
(3) You can ask questions about crops and add one of the bigger states (small states have limited data availability) to be specific.
e.g. "I'm a farmer from Odisha. how do I take care of pests in my cotton crop?"

Thanks a lot. Good Work.

@chheplo A quick question, Can we assist you in aligning or even testing your model from a security perspective? We can help in the following possible ways

  1. Creating a dataset of toxic prompts and possible safe responses. Furthermore, we can generate this dataset in major languages supported by Llama3
  2. Testing and Evaluating your model from a Safety perspective.

In return, you can pay us by giving us some Kudos, Coffee, or Beer :)

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