training script

by tamdiep106 - opened

Hi @KBlueLeaf , thank you for this great implement and the pretrained model.
I tried to re-create your finetuning on my own dataset, i tried to used the finetune script in but have not got any good result
Could you please provide the script along with parameter you use for finetune this model?
Thank you

Sorry for late response @tamdiep106
Here is the command what I used to run this model (leh-v2

guanaco-lora\ --base_model decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf --data_path .\datasets\*.json --output_dir guanaco-leh-v2 --batch_size 128 --micro_batch_size 16 --num_epochs 2 --learning_rate 2e-4 --cutoff_len 1024 --val_set_size 0 --group_by_length True --train_on_inputs False --lora_r 16 --lora_alpha 16 --lora_dropout 0.1

If you have any question about the hyperparameters, just ask me!

Thank you so much @KBlueLeaf , this is all i need. Appreciate your support

tamdiep106 changed discussion status to closed

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