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This is a depth up scalled model of the 616M cinder model and Cinder v2. This model still needs further training. Putting it up for testing. More information coming. Maybe. Lol. Here is a brief desc of the project: Im mixing a lot of techniques I guess that I found interesting and have been testing, HF Cosmo is not great but decent and was fully trained in 4 days using a mix of more fine tuned directed datasets and some synthetic textbook style datasets. So I used pruning and a similar mix as Cosmo on tinyllama (trained on a ton of data for an extended time for its size) to keep the tinyllama model coherent during pruning. Now I am trying to depth up scale it using my pruned model and an original, Then taking a majority of each and combining them to create a larger model. Then it needs more training, then fine tuning. Then theoretically it will be a well performing 1.5B model (that didn't need full scale training).

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Model size
1.5B params
Tensor type