Thanks and questions

by elarvee - opened

@IkariDev and @Undi95 you guys are beasts! I've just started trying (and enjoying) Athena v2 and you already released v3 πŸ˜„. I really appreciate the efforts you've put into these models!

I also have some questions, hopefully you guys can help answer them:

  • Should I use the recommended settings by localfultonextractor in v2's description for v3?
  • I'm using SillyTavern v1.10.4 with the default Advanced Formatting settings ("Default" context template, instruct mode disabled), do you think using these settings instead would improve Athena's conversation quality? I'll try them out and see for myself, but I'd love to have your opinions too :)
  • Is there a Discord I can join to follow your development and feedback from other users?

Thank you so much for your feedback, i really appriciate it! I'll send you the answers to all that when im home again(should be in around 6 hours).

- IkariDev :)

  1. ill put recommended settings in the repo in a couple of hours, try what works best for you.
  2. i always suggest using the "roleplay" advanced formatting preset, + instruct same, and enabled.
  3. Not really, but i am mainly active on the dc servers thebloke(character-roleplay-stories) and sillytavern(local-llm-chat).

I would be happy to see you over there. Thanks again for your feedback!

Thank you for your answers! I'll take a look at those Discord servers. Cheers!

elarvee changed discussion status to closed

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