Add example how to run quickly on FP16

Sorry for my bad Chinese 😅 If it doesn't make sense please correct me

Fengshenbang-LM org

'完全精确 Full precision FP16' should be '全精度 Full precision',the others look good to me.

Fengshenbang-LM org
edited Oct 31, 2022

Got problem of RuntimeError: "LayerNormKernelImpl" not implemented for 'Half', when I test the fp16, I will fix it soon. Please let me know If you have any advice
, thanks. @patrickvonplaten

roygan changed pull request status to merged
Fengshenbang-LM org

Got problem of RuntimeError: "LayerNormKernelImpl" not implemented for 'Half', when I test the fp16, I will fix it soon. Please let me know If you have any advice
, thanks. @patrickvonplaten

fix it.

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