it seems that this model not good at `Proper Noun`, how to finetune ?

by omer-w - opened

text: 'These system settings are defined in grafana.ini or custom.ini (or overridden in ENV variables). To change these you currently need to restart Grafana.'

RanDeng: '这些系统设置定义在“并行设置”或“自定义”中(或在 ENV变量中被覆盖)。要改变这些设置,你现在需要重新启动“卡巴纳”。'

Google: '这些系统设置在 grafana.ini 或 custom.ini 中定义(或在 ENV 变量中覆盖)。 要更改这些,您目前需要重新启动 Grafana'

any idea to finetune ?

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