Requirements for running the model

by vishaal27 - opened

Maybe this is something that is well known, but I had a few issues while running the model, and I just wanted to share my final environment settings that got it working on an NVIDIA A100-40GB GPU.

conda create --name ideficsenv python=3.8 -y
conda activate ideficsenv

# for idefics install specific transformers version
pip install transformers==4.32.0
# for A100 nodes, I had to setup torch specifically to use cu110+ compiles, idefics requires torch 2.0.0+
pip install torch==2.0.1+cu117 torchvision==0.15.2+cu117 -f
# idefics also requires sentencepiece, protobuf, scipy, bitsandbytes and accelerate
pip install sentencepiece
pip install protobuf
pip install scipy bitsandbytes accelerate

With this setup, I was able to run the example inference script without any issues.

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