
by mrfakename - opened

This looks really cool! In your GitHub I noticed it's listed as MIT license but here it's listed as Apache, do you know which applies? Or does MIT only apply to the code and Apache only to the weights? Or is it dual-licensed (MIT and Apache)?

GritLM org

I put apache here cuz that's the mistral license and MIT on github (intended for the code) as it seems shorter and simpler than apache - Do you have a preference between MIT or apache? I can change the licence if so. I really just want it to be maximally permissive 😊

Thank you so much for your response! I think the most permissive is dual MIT + Apache (since Apache allows patent use but requires ppl to add "prominent notices" if they modify it, MIT doesn't require that but patent use is unclear). But both are pretty permissive!

GritLM org

I see so maybe leaving it the way it is right now?
Would CC0 be any better?

Apache, MIT, CC0 all work, thanks so much!

mrfakename changed discussion status to closed

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