Text Generation
Eval Results
Inference Endpoints

source code for fine tuning

by Sigmally - opened

Hey, could you share the code you used to fine-tune the base model?

Hi, @Sigmally !
This one was done while I was testing HuggingFace's AutoTrain Advanced. So instead of coding, I used its UI, through the docker container in HF Spaces
In the UI, you can set the parameters for fine-tuning, and also upload a CSV file containing the texts to train on. For this model, I've used these parameters and this CSV file.
Let me know if I can answer anything else.

Ah, I didn't notice in the model card description that you used a graphical interface to fine-tune the model. My mistake. Thanks for clarifying again.

ℹ️ I've updated the model, and for this last version, I used auto-train locally. More info can be found on Readme now.

Felladrin changed discussion status to closed

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