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The official library of GGUF format models for use in the local AI chat app, Faraday.dev.

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Llama 3 8B Ultra Instruct

  • Creator: elinas
  • Original: Llama 3 8B Ultra Instruct
  • Date Created: 2024-04-29
  • Trained Context: 8192 tokens
  • Description: A small general purpose model that combines the most powerful instruct models with quality, uncensored roleplaying models. It will introduce better RAG capabilities in the form of Bagel to Llama 3 8B Instruct as well as German multilanguage, higher general intelligence and vision support. A model focused on Biology adds knowledge in the medical field.

What is a GGUF?

GGUF is a large language model (LLM) format that can be split between CPU and GPU. GGUFs are compatible with applications based on llama.cpp, such as Faraday.dev. Where other model formats require higher end GPUs with ample VRAM, GGUFs can be efficiently run on a wider variety of hardware. GGUF models are quantized to reduce resource usage, with a tradeoff of reduced coherence at lower quantizations. Quantization reduces the precision of the model weights by changing the number of bits used for each weight.



  • Free, local AI chat application.
  • One-click installation on Mac and PC.
  • Automatically use GPU for maximum speed.
  • Built-in model manager.
  • High-quality character hub.
  • Zero-config desktop-to-mobile tethering. Faraday makes it easy to start chatting with AI using your own characters or one of the many found in the built-in character hub. The model manager helps you find the latest and greatest models without worrying about whether it's the correct format. Faraday supports advanced features such as lorebooks, author's note, text formatting, custom context size, sampler settings, grammars, local TTS, cloud inference, and tethering, all implemented in a way that is straightforward and reliable. Join us on Discord

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Model size
8.03B params
Unable to determine this model’s pipeline type. Check the docs .

Quantized from