not enough memory

by hiddenchamp - opened

I get this error:
#RuntimeError: [enforce fail at ..\c10\core\impl\alloc_cpu.cpp:81] data. DefaultCPUAllocator: not enough memory: you tried to allocate 452984832 bytes.

Does this mean my hardware is not good enough? What are the minimum requirements? Will this ever run on my PC?
Sorry, I am really new to this. Maybe it's just a beginner mistake.

My PC is i7, 16gb ram, 8gb GPU.

What hardware do I need to run this?

Any ideas?

i am not sure but i guess for this to run locally you need at least 45GB of GPU VRAM better 48+ GB.
i am refering to this information but it might be some other "fork" of GPT. im also new to this.
but since Apple will launch a 5k Euro Beast of a System this month... with up to 96GB of VRAM... it might get possible.

This info helps me a lot. Thanks for taking the time :)

stellaathena changed discussion status to closed

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