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This is a model finetuned on "google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k" model for the image classification task to detect if the image is deepfake or not. Use following commands for inference.

import libraries

from transformers import pipeline from PIL import Image

Create a pipeline for image classification tasks.

model_name = "DhruvJariwala/deepfake_vs_real_image_detection"

- 'device': Specifies the device to use for running the model (0 for GPU, -1 for CPU).

pipe = pipeline('image-classification', model=model_name, device=0)

#load the image image_path = "/you_input_path/your_image.jpg" # Replace this with the path to your image image = Image.open(image_path)

Apply the 'pipe' function to process the 'image' variable.


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Model size
85.8M params
Tensor type