Increase the contrast of the image with each new frame

by ceesXr - opened

I conducted a lot of tests and it was a rare case that I managed to avoid increasing the contrast of the image. Due to the fact that the next frame is processed by HED and due to the fact that the contrast has increased, it gives even more edges for which it can catch, which interferes with stability.
I am very interested in creating a tool and a pipeline for stylizing a video or, for example, editing it using SD with high stability and creativity. I do a lot of research, testing and analyzing. I would like to work together and share knowledge and continue working on TemporalNet. I wanted to make a similar model for ControlNet myself as soon as it came out, but I'm not a programmer at all, although I understand some things. You did a great job.


I noticed a long time ago that the details adhere to the previous position, for example

oh that's interesting! i didn't notice that.

I'd definitely love to chat in future about this kind of thing although i'm not the most focused at the moment, will have to give it a lot more thought once i get around to the extension version of this.

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