Is this corret?

by OedoSoldier - opened

In line #95 of it says:

send_request(x_path,y_folder, y_paths[0])

where x_path is the reference image path and y_paths[0] is the first image to be processed.
But in line #106 it says:

send_request(y_paths[i], y_folder, temp_image_path)

where y_paths[i] should be the image to be processed and temp_image_path is the last image to be used as a reference.
Am I correct?

O.O oh nooo, oops, yeah you're right, good spot.

That's interesting as i'd assumed it would have broken the whole thing if wrote it like that by accident, since the hed is always inputted with the last frame, not the original image, oh dear.

let me update that.

Can't thank you enough, this actually explains quite a few oddities. What i get for being lazy and letting chatgpt do it xD i'm a c# Unity developer by trade.

well 60-70% of it roughly.

OedoSoldier changed discussion status to closed

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