Process using diffusers

by keithla00 - opened

Hello, @CiaraRowles ! Thanks for posting this model. I tried using it through api using your script and got great results. Now I can't figure out how to use it in the diffusers. Could you give a code example on how to use it with diffusers? It would be great)

Hi, also wondering if we can use this as a regular ControlNet model in a ControlNet pipe?

Actually we can use it like any other ControlNet model with ControlNetModel.from_pretrained("CiaraRowles/TemporalNet", torch_dtype=torch.float16)

Actually we can use it like any other ControlNet model with ControlNetModel.from_pretrained("CiaraRowles/TemporalNet", torch_dtype=torch.float16)

Screenshot from 2023-04-17 08-30-23.png
Yes, thank you. But actually I have an issue using temporalnet in this process @CiaraRowles described

Hello. I'm now trying to use TemporalNet with diffusers.
Could you give me a full code that uses ControlNetModel.from_pretrained like any other ControlNet model?

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