How to fine tune it?

by AeroDEmi - opened

I was wondering if it is possible to fine-tune the base model, or how to create similar Loras. Can we use the same diffusers text2img examples ?

ByteDance org

Hi, @AeroDEmi
Of course. You can directly download and load our models into training.
Try merge it into UNet and create a new LoRA, or just fine-tune our LoRA. Both are worthy a try.
Our models are fully publicly available.

Awesome! Any details on how you tuned them? Should I use the LCM guide?

ByteDance org

Hi, @AeroDEmi
We haven't try further fine-tuning them. You could give it a try.
It should be working just by merging the LoRA into UNet and treat it as a new accelerated base model.

Cool! Will do!

AeroDEmi changed discussion status to closed

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