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A small 81M param (total) decoder model, enabled through tying the input/output embeddings. This is the first version of the model.

  • 768 hidden size, 6 layers
  • standard multi-head attention (24 heads), context length 1024
  • input/output embeddings are tied
  • train-from-scratch


This checkpoint is the 'raw' pre-trained model and has not been tuned to a more specific task. It should be fine-tuned before use in most cases.

  • slightly larger 101M param GQA pretrained version: here
  • For the chat version of this model, please see here

Open LLM Leaderboard Evaluation Results

Detailed results can be found here

Metric Value
Avg. 24.52
ARC (25-shot) 22.18
HellaSwag (10-shot) 29.33
MMLU (5-shot) 24.06
TruthfulQA (0-shot) 43.97
Winogrande (5-shot) 49.25
GSM8K (5-shot) 0.23
DROP (3-shot) 2.64
Downloads last month
Model size
81.3M params
Tensor type

Datasets used to train BEE-spoke-data/smol_llama-81M-tied

Collection including BEE-spoke-data/smol_llama-81M-tied