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SentenceTransformer based on sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2

This is a sentence-transformers model finetuned from sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 on the cla and def datasets. It maps sentences & paragraphs to a 768-dimensional dense vector space and can be used for semantic textual similarity, semantic search, paraphrase mining, text classification, clustering, and more.

Model Details

Model Description

Model Sources

Full Model Architecture

  (0): Transformer({'max_seq_length': 128, 'do_lower_case': False}) with Transformer model: XLMRobertaModel 
  (1): Pooling({'word_embedding_dimension': 768, 'pooling_mode_cls_token': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_tokens': True, 'pooling_mode_max_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_weightedmean_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_lasttoken': False, 'include_prompt': True})


Direct Usage (Sentence Transformers)

First install the Sentence Transformers library:

pip install -U sentence-transformers

Then you can load this model and run inference.

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

# Download from the 🤗 Hub
model = SentenceTransformer("Anakeen/lr_5e-05_wr_0.1_seed_42")
# Run inference
sentences = [
    'ARTICLE 30 Service of Suit It is agreed that in the event of the failure of the Reinsurer hereunder to pay any amount claimed to be due hereunder; the Reinsurer hereunder; at the request of the Company; will submit to the jurisdiction of a Court of competent jurisdiction within the United States. Nothing in this Article constitutes or should be understood to constitute a waiver of the Reinsurer’s rights to commence an action in any Court of competent jurisdiction in the United States; to remove an action to a United States District Court; or to seek a transfer of a case to another Court as permitted by the laws of the United States or of any State in the United States. It is further agreed that service of process in such suit may be made upon Mendes & Mount; 750 Seventh Avenue; New York; New York 10019-6829; United States of America; and that in any suit instituted against any one of them upon this contract; the Reinsurer will abide by the final decision of such Court or of any Appellate Court in the event of an appeal. The above-named are authorized and directed to accept service of process on behalf of the Reinsurer in any such suit and/or upon request of the Company to give a written undertaking to the Company that they will enter a general appearance upon the Reinsurer’s behalf in the event such a suit shall be instituted. Further; pursuant to any statute of any state; territory or district of the United States which makes provision therefor; the Reinsurer hereunder hereby designates the Superintendent; Commissioner or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for that purpose in the statute; or his successor or successors in office; as its true and lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action; suit or proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the Company or any beneficiary hereunder arising out of this contract of reinsurance; and hereby designates the above-named as the person to whom the said officer is authorized to mail such process or a true copy thereof.',
    'A. Any and all disputes between the Company and the Reinsurer arising out of; relating to; or concerning this Contract including its formation or validity whether sounding in contract or tort and whether arising during or after termination of this Contract; shall be submitted to the decision of a board of arbitration composed of two arbitrators and an umpire (“Board”) meeting at a site in the city in which the principal headquarters of the Company are located. The arbitration shall be conducted under the Federal Arbitration Act and shall proceed as set forth below.',
    "Pools; Associations; and Syndicates Exclusion Clause (Catastrophe)\n\nIt is hereby understood and agreed that:\n\nA. This Contract excludes loss or liability arising from the Company's participation or membership in any pool; association; or syndicate. This paragraph A. will not apply with respect to:\n\n 1. Residual market mechanisms created by statute. 'Residual market mechanisms'; as used herein; will include the Company itself; created by statute as a joint reinsurance association; and California Earthquake Authority (CEA). This Contract will not extend; however; to afford coverage for liability arising from the inability of any other participant or member in the residual market mechanism to meet its obligations; nor will this Contract extend to afford coverage for liability arising from any claim against the residual market mechanism brought by or on behalf of any insolvency fund (as defined in the Insolvency Fund Exclusion Clause incorporated in this Contract).\n\n 2. Inter-agency or inter-government joint underwriting or risk purchasing associations (however styled) created by or permitted by statute or regulation.\n\nB. With respect to loss or liability arising from the Company's participation or membership in any residual market mechanism created by statute; the Company may include in its ultimate net loss only amounts for which the Company is assessed as a direct consequence of a covered loss occurrence; subject to the following provisions:\n\n 1. Recovery is limited to perils otherwise protected hereunder.\n\n 2. In the event the terms of the Company's participation or membership in any such residual market mechanism permit the Company to recoup any such direct assessment attributed to a loss occurrence by way of a specific policy premium surcharge or similar levy on policyholders; the amount received by the Company as a result of such premium surcharge or levy; will be deemed a recovery for purposes of this Contract.\n\n 3. The result of any rate increase filing permitted by the terms of the Company's participation or membership in any such residual market mechanism following any assessment will have no effect on the Company's ultimate net loss for any covered loss occurrence.\n\n 4. The result of any premium tax credit filing permitted by the terms of the Company's participation or membership in any such residual market mechanism following any assessment will reduce the Company's ultimate net loss for any covered loss occurrence.\n\n 5. The Company may not include in its ultimate net loss any amount resulting from an assessment that; pursuant to the terms of the Company's participation or membership in the residual market mechanism; the Company is required to pay only after such assessment is collected from the policyholder.\n\n 6. The ultimate net loss hereunder will not include any monies expended to purchase or retire bonds as a consequence of being a member of a residual market mechanism nor any fines or penalties imposed on the Company for late payment.\n\n 7. If; however; a residual market mechanism only provides for assessment based on an aggregate of losses in any one contract or plan year of said mechanism; then the amount of that assessment to be included in the ultimate net loss for any one loss occurrence will be determined by multiplying the Company's share of the aggregate assessment by a factor derived by dividing the Company's ultimate net loss (net of the assessment) with respect to the loss occurrence by the total of all of its ultimate net losses (net of assessments) from all loss occurrences included by the mechanism in determining the assessment.",
embeddings = model.encode(sentences)
# [3, 768]

# Get the similarity scores for the embeddings
similarities = model.similarity(embeddings, embeddings)
# [3, 3]

Training Details

Training Datasets


  • Dataset: cla
  • Size: 4,732 training samples
  • Columns: sentence and label
  • Approximate statistics based on the first 1000 samples:
    sentence label
    type string int
    • min: 14 tokens
    • mean: 109.09 tokens
    • max: 128 tokens
    • 0: ~1.50%
    • 1: ~0.10%
    • 2: ~0.20%
    • 3: ~0.30%
    • 4: ~0.30%
    • 5: ~0.70%
    • 6: ~0.20%
    • 7: ~0.10%
    • 8: ~0.10%
    • 9: ~0.10%
    • 10: ~0.10%
    • 11: ~0.10%
    • 12: ~0.20%
    • 13: ~0.70%
    • 14: ~0.20%
    • 15: ~0.20%
    • 16: ~0.80%
    • 17: ~0.50%
    • 18: ~0.50%
    • 19: ~0.60%
    • 20: ~8.00%
    • 21: ~0.40%
    • 22: ~0.90%
    • 23: ~0.40%
    • 24: ~0.40%
    • 25: ~0.90%
    • 26: ~0.10%
    • 27: ~0.10%
    • 28: ~0.60%
    • 29: ~0.30%
    • 30: ~0.50%
    • 31: ~0.20%
    • 32: ~0.30%
    • 33: ~0.10%
    • 34: ~0.40%
    • 35: ~0.10%
    • 36: ~0.10%
    • 37: ~0.50%
    • 38: ~0.70%
    • 39: ~0.10%
    • 40: ~0.20%
    • 41: ~0.20%
    • 42: ~0.70%
    • 43: ~0.10%
    • 44: ~0.60%
    • 45: ~0.30%
    • 46: ~0.80%
    • 47: ~3.90%
    • 48: ~0.30%
    • 49: ~0.10%
    • 50: ~0.40%
    • 51: ~0.60%
    • 52: ~0.50%
    • 53: ~1.70%
    • 54: ~0.10%
    • 55: ~0.30%
    • 56: ~0.20%
    • 57: ~0.60%
    • 58: ~0.10%
    • 59: ~0.10%
    • 60: ~0.20%
    • 61: ~0.30%
    • 62: ~0.30%
    • 63: ~0.50%
    • 64: ~0.20%
    • 65: ~0.30%
    • 66: ~0.20%
    • 67: ~0.20%
    • 68: ~0.50%
    • 69: ~0.20%
    • 70: ~0.20%
    • 71: ~0.10%
    • 72: ~0.10%
    • 73: ~3.30%
    • 74: ~0.70%
    • 75: ~0.60%
    • 76: ~0.20%
    • 77: ~0.40%
    • 78: ~0.30%
    • 79: ~3.50%
    • 80: ~0.50%
    • 81: ~0.40%
    • 82: ~0.10%
    • 83: ~0.20%
    • 84: ~0.50%
    • 85: ~1.80%
    • 86: ~0.30%
    • 87: ~2.70%
    • 88: ~0.20%
    • 89: ~2.90%
    • 90: ~0.30%
    • 91: ~1.60%
    • 92: ~0.10%
    • 93: ~0.50%
    • 94: ~0.40%
    • 95: ~0.10%
    • 96: ~0.60%
    • 97: ~0.40%
    • 98: ~0.10%
    • 99: ~0.20%
    • 100: ~0.10%
    • 101: ~0.30%
    • 102: ~0.30%
    • 103: ~0.80%
    • 104: ~0.10%
    • 105: ~0.20%
    • 106: ~0.50%
    • 107: ~3.60%
    • 108: ~0.10%
    • 109: ~0.10%
    • 110: ~0.20%
    • 111: ~0.40%
    • 112: ~0.20%
    • 113: ~0.20%
    • 114: ~0.10%
    • 115: ~0.10%
    • 116: ~0.10%
    • 117: ~0.20%
    • 118: ~0.40%
    • 119: ~0.10%
    • 120: ~0.10%
    • 121: ~0.10%
    • 122: ~0.10%
    • 123: ~0.10%
    • 124: ~0.20%
    • 125: ~0.10%
    • 127: ~0.10%
    • 128: ~0.30%
    • 129: ~0.30%
    • 130: ~1.20%
    • 131: ~0.10%
    • 132: ~0.20%
    • 133: ~0.10%
    • 134: ~0.20%
    • 135: ~2.10%
    • 136: ~0.30%
    • 137: ~0.50%
    • 138: ~0.40%
    • 139: ~0.70%
    • 140: ~0.10%
    • 141: ~0.30%
    • 142: ~1.00%
    • 143: ~0.20%
    • 144: ~0.60%
    • 145: ~0.10%
    • 146: ~0.30%
    • 147: ~0.10%
    • 148: ~0.10%
    • 149: ~0.20%
    • 150: ~0.70%
    • 151: ~0.10%
    • 152: ~0.30%
    • 153: ~0.10%
    • 154: ~0.20%
    • 155: ~0.10%
    • 156: ~0.10%
    • 157: ~0.10%
    • 158: ~0.10%
    • 159: ~0.30%
    • 160: ~0.20%
    • 161: ~3.70%
    • 162: ~0.10%
    • 163: ~0.10%
    • 164: ~0.10%
    • 165: ~0.20%
    • 166: ~0.20%
    • 167: ~0.10%
    • 168: ~0.20%
    • 169: ~0.20%
    • 170: ~0.20%
    • 171: ~0.50%
    • 172: ~0.10%
    • 173: ~0.10%
    • 174: ~0.30%
    • 175: ~0.80%
    • 176: ~0.80%
    • 177: ~0.50%
    • 178: ~0.40%
    • 179: ~0.30%
    • 180: ~0.30%
    • 181: ~0.20%
    • 182: ~0.10%
    • 183: ~0.10%
    • 184: ~0.10%
    • 185: ~0.10%
    • 186: ~0.10%
    • 187: ~1.00%
    • 188: ~0.10%
    • 189: ~0.20%
    • 190: ~0.40%
    • 191: ~0.10%
    • 192: ~0.20%
    • 193: ~0.10%
    • 194: ~0.10%
    • 195: ~0.50%
    • 196: ~0.10%
    • 197: ~0.50%
    • 198: ~0.10%
    • 199: ~0.20%
    • 200: ~0.20%
    • 201: ~0.10%
    • 202: ~0.10%
    • 203: ~0.20%
    • 204: ~0.10%
    • 205: ~0.10%
    • 206: ~0.10%
    • 207: ~0.10%
    • 208: ~1.10%
    • 209: ~0.10%
    • 210: ~0.20%
    • 211: ~0.10%
    • 212: ~0.10%
    • 213: ~0.10%
    • 214: ~0.10%
    • 215: ~0.10%
    • 216: ~0.30%
    • 217: ~0.30%
    • 218: ~0.10%
    • 219: ~0.10%
    • 220: ~0.10%
    • 221: ~0.10%
    • 222: ~0.10%
    • 223: ~0.10%
    • 224: ~0.10%
    • 225: ~0.20%
    • 226: ~0.10%
    • 227: ~0.10%
    • 228: ~0.10%
    • 229: ~0.10%
    • 230: ~0.10%
    • 231: ~0.10%
    • 232: ~0.10%
    • 233: ~0.10%
    • 234: ~0.10%
  • Samples:
    sentence label
    1. This Contract does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reassured; directly or indirectly and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer; from any Pool of Insurers or Reinsurers formed for the purpose of covering Atomic or Nuclear Energy risks.
    2. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) of this Clause; this Contract does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reassured; directly or indirectly and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer; from any insurance against Physical Damage (including business interruption or consequential loss arising out of such Physical Damage) to:
    I. Nuclear reactor power plants including all auxiliary property on the site; or
    II. Any other nuclear reactor installation; including laboratories handling radioactive materials in connection with reactor installations; and “critical facilities” as such; or
    III. Installations for fabricating complete fuel elements or for processing substantial quantities of “special nuclear material;” and for reprocessing; salvaging; chemically separating; storing or disposing of “spent” nuclear fuel or waste materials; or
    IV. Installations other than those listed in paragraph (2) III above using substantial quantities of radioactive isotopes or other products of nuclear fission.
    3. Without in any way restricting the operations of paragraphs (1) and (2) hereof; this Contract does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive contamination accruing to the Reassured; directly or indirectly; and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer; from any insurance on property which is on the same site as a nuclear reactor power plant or other nuclear installation and which normally would be insured therewith except that this paragraph (3) shall not operate
    (a) where the Reassured does not have knowledge of such nuclear reactor power plant or nuclear installation; or
    (b) where said insurance contains a provision excluding coverage for damage to property caused by or resulting from radioactive contamination; however caused. However on and after 1st January 1960 this sub-paragraph (b) shall only apply provided the said radioactive contamination exclusion provision has been approved by the Governmental Authority having jurisdiction thereof.
    4. Without in any way restricting the operations of paragraphs (1); (2) and (3) hereof; this Contract does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive contamination accruing to the Reassured; directly or indirectly; and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer; when such radioactive contamination is a named hazard specifically insured against.
    5. It is understood and agreed that this Clause shall not extend to risks using radioactive isotopes in any form where the nuclear exposure is not considered by the Reassured to be the primary hazard.
    6. The term “special nuclear material” shall have the meaning given it in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or by any law amendatory thereof.
    7. The Reassured to be sole judge of what constitutes:
    (a) substantial quantities; and
    (b) the extent of installation; plant or site.
    Note. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) hereof; it is understood and agreed that
    (a) all policies issued by the Reassured on or before 31st December 1957 shall be free from the application of the other provisions of this Clause until expiry date or 31st December 1960 whichever first occurs whereupon all the provisions of this Clause shall apply;
    (b) with respect to any risk located in Canada policies issued by the Reassured on or before 31st December 1958 shall be free from the application of the other provisions of this Clause until expiry date or 31st December 1960 whichever first occurs whereupon all the provisions of this Clause shall apply.
    Downgrading clause ~ ABR1001 (Amended)

    Reinsurer with an S&P Rating
    Unless otherwise agreed by the Reinsured; the Reinsurer shall at all times during the Period of this Contract maintain an Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating from Standard & Poor's Rating Group of 55 Water Street; New York; NY 10041; USA ("S&P") equal to or greater than a rating of A minus as applied by S&P to that Reinsurer.
    Dispute Resolution ~ ABR1004
    Where any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of or in connection with this Contract; including formation and validity and whether arising during or after the period of this Contract; has not been settled through negotiation; both parties agree to try in good faith to settle such dispute by non- binding mediation; before resorting to arbitration in the manner set out below.
  • Loss: BatchAllTripletLoss


  • Dataset: def
  • Size: 6,233 training samples
  • Columns: sentence and label
  • Approximate statistics based on the first 1000 samples:
    sentence label
    type string int
    • min: 3 tokens
    • mean: 78.01 tokens
    • max: 128 tokens
    • 0: ~0.10%
    • 1: ~1.40%
    • 2: ~0.40%
    • 3: ~3.70%
    • 4: ~0.40%
    • 5: ~0.50%
    • 6: ~0.50%
    • 7: ~0.50%
    • 8: ~2.10%
    • 9: ~0.30%
    • 10: ~0.10%
    • 11: ~0.10%
    • 12: ~0.10%
    • 13: ~0.10%
    • 14: ~0.10%
    • 15: ~0.20%
    • 16: ~0.10%
    • 17: ~0.10%
    • 18: ~0.10%
    • 19: ~1.60%
    • 20: ~0.40%
    • 21: ~0.70%
    • 22: ~0.10%
    • 23: ~0.20%
    • 24: ~0.40%
    • 25: ~0.20%
    • 26: ~0.40%
    • 27: ~0.10%
    • 28: ~0.10%
    • 29: ~1.30%
    • 30: ~0.10%
    • 31: ~0.20%
    • 32: ~3.90%
    • 33: ~1.90%
    • 34: ~0.80%
    • 35: ~0.10%
    • 36: ~2.40%
    • 37: ~0.10%
    • 38: ~0.10%
    • 39: ~1.50%
    • 40: ~0.10%
    • 41: ~0.10%
    • 42: ~0.10%
    • 43: ~0.30%
    • 44: ~0.10%
    • 45: ~0.10%
    • 46: ~0.20%
    • 47: ~0.10%
    • 48: ~0.30%
    • 49: ~0.10%
    • 50: ~0.10%
    • 51: ~0.10%
    • 52: ~0.10%
    • 53: ~0.10%
    • 54: ~5.70%
    • 55: ~0.10%
    • 56: ~0.10%
    • 57: ~0.10%
    • 58: ~0.30%
    • 59: ~0.10%
    • 60: ~0.40%
    • 61: ~0.50%
    • 62: ~1.30%
    • 63: ~1.50%
    • 64: ~0.50%
    • 65: ~0.10%
    • 66: ~0.80%
    • 67: ~0.10%
    • 68: ~0.50%
    • 69: ~1.10%
    • 70: ~0.20%
    • 71: ~0.20%
    • 72: ~0.10%
    • 73: ~0.20%
    • 74: ~1.30%
    • 75: ~0.20%
    • 76: ~0.10%
    • 77: ~0.10%
    • 78: ~0.40%
    • 79: ~0.30%
    • 80: ~0.50%
    • 81: ~0.20%
    • 82: ~0.40%
    • 83: ~0.50%
    • 84: ~1.70%
    • 85: ~0.50%
    • 86: ~0.10%
    • 87: ~0.20%
    • 88: ~0.90%
    • 89: ~0.60%
    • 90: ~0.10%
    • 91: ~0.60%
    • 92: ~0.10%
    • 93: ~0.20%
    • 94: ~0.10%
    • 95: ~0.20%
    • 96: ~0.10%
    • 97: ~0.10%
    • 98: ~0.10%
    • 99: ~0.10%
    • 100: ~0.10%
    • 101: ~1.10%
    • 102: ~0.20%
    • 103: ~0.10%
    • 104: ~0.50%
    • 105: ~0.10%
    • 106: ~0.10%
    • 107: ~0.10%
    • 108: ~0.70%
    • 109: ~0.50%
    • 110: ~0.20%
    • 111: ~0.10%
    • 112: ~0.20%
    • 113: ~0.20%
    • 114: ~0.10%
    • 115: ~0.20%
    • 116: ~0.20%
    • 117: ~0.30%
    • 118: ~0.20%
    • 119: ~0.20%
    • 120: ~0.50%
    • 121: ~0.20%
    • 122: ~0.10%
    • 123: ~0.10%
    • 124: ~0.30%
    • 125: ~0.20%
    • 126: ~0.20%
    • 127: ~0.20%
    • 128: ~0.30%
    • 129: ~0.40%
    • 130: ~0.30%
    • 131: ~0.10%
    • 132: ~0.30%
    • 133: ~0.10%
    • 134: ~0.20%
    • 135: ~0.20%
    • 136: ~0.20%
    • 137: ~0.10%
    • 138: ~0.40%
    • 139: ~0.10%
    • 140: ~0.10%
    • 141: ~0.20%
    • 142: ~0.50%
    • 143: ~0.70%
    • 144: ~0.10%
    • 145: ~0.10%
    • 146: ~0.20%
    • 147: ~0.10%
    • 148: ~0.10%
    • 149: ~0.20%
    • 150: ~0.20%
    • 151: ~0.40%
    • 152: ~0.10%
    • 153: ~0.20%
    • 154: ~0.10%
    • 155: ~0.20%
    • 156: ~0.10%
    • 157: ~0.10%
    • 158: ~0.10%
    • 159: ~0.10%
    • 160: ~0.20%
    • 161: ~0.10%
    • 162: ~0.10%
    • 163: ~0.20%
    • 164: ~0.10%
    • 165: ~0.10%
    • 166: ~0.20%
    • 167: ~0.40%
    • 168: ~0.20%
    • 169: ~0.20%
    • 170: ~0.10%
    • 171: ~0.10%
    • 172: ~0.20%
    • 173: ~0.10%
    • 174: ~0.10%
    • 175: ~0.10%
    • 176: ~0.10%
    • 177: ~0.10%
    • 178: ~0.20%
    • 179: ~0.20%
    • 180: ~0.30%
    • 181: ~0.10%
    • 182: ~0.10%
    • 183: ~1.20%
    • 184: ~0.10%
    • 185: ~0.30%
    • 186: ~0.10%
    • 187: ~0.10%
    • 188: ~0.10%
    • 189: ~0.10%
    • 190: ~0.10%
    • 191: ~0.10%
    • 192: ~0.10%
    • 193: ~0.10%
    • 194: ~0.20%
    • 195: ~0.10%
    • 196: ~0.10%
    • 197: ~0.10%
    • 198: ~0.10%
    • 199: ~0.10%
    • 200: ~0.10%
    • 201: ~0.30%
    • 202: ~0.10%
    • 203: ~1.00%
    • 204: ~0.20%
    • 205: ~0.10%
    • 206: ~0.10%
    • 207: ~0.10%
    • 208: ~0.10%
    • 209: ~0.10%
    • 210: ~0.10%
    • 211: ~0.10%
    • 212: ~0.10%
    • 213: ~0.10%
    • 214: ~0.10%
    • 215: ~0.10%
    • 216: ~0.10%
    • 217: ~0.10%
    • 218: ~0.10%
    • 219: ~0.10%
    • 220: ~0.10%
    • 221: ~0.10%
    • 222: ~0.10%
    • 223: ~0.10%
    • 224: ~0.10%
    • 225: ~0.10%
    • 226: ~0.10%
    • 227: ~0.10%
    • 228: ~0.10%
    • 229: ~0.10%
    • 230: ~0.10%
    • 231: ~0.10%
    • 232: ~0.10%
    • 233: ~0.10%
    • 234: ~0.20%
    • 235: ~0.10%
    • 236: ~0.10%
    • 237: ~0.10%
    • 238: ~0.10%
    • 239: ~0.10%
    • 240: ~0.30%
    • 241: ~0.20%
    • 242: ~0.10%
    • 243: ~0.90%
    • 244: ~0.60%
    • 245: ~0.10%
    • 246: ~0.70%
    • 247: ~0.10%
    • 248: ~0.40%
    • 249: ~0.20%
    • 250: ~0.10%
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    • 372: ~0.20%
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    • 376: ~0.10%
    • 378: ~0.10%
    • 379: ~0.20%
    • 380: ~0.10%
    • 381: ~0.10%
    • 382: ~0.10%
    • 383: ~0.20%
    • 384: ~0.10%
    • 385: ~0.10%
    • 386: ~0.30%
    • 387: ~0.10%
    • 388: ~0.10%
    • 389: ~0.20%
    • 390: ~0.10%
    • 391: ~0.10%
    • 392: ~0.10%
    • 393: ~0.10%
    • 394: ~0.10%
    • 395: ~0.10%
    • 396: ~0.10%
    • 397: ~0.10%
    • 398: ~0.10%
  • Samples:
    sentence label
    “North American CAT Perils” means certain Named Storms and Earthquake; each as defined below; in respect of that portion of losses which occur in the United States and Canada and their possessions and territories; excluding the Territory of Guam; the Territory of American Samoa; the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; Wake Island; Johnston Atoll; Palmyra Atoll; and the State of Hawaiiterritory of Guam. 0
    For the purposes of this Paragraph A.; “Named Storm” means any windstorm or windstorm system that has been named by a Reporting Agency at any time in its lifecycle and ensuing losses therefrom. 1
    For the purposes of this Paragraph A.; “Earthquake” means earthquake shake and ensuing losses therefrom. 2
  • Loss: BatchAllTripletLoss

Evaluation Datasets


  • Dataset: cla
  • Size: 100 evaluation samples
  • Columns: sentence and label
  • Approximate statistics based on the first 1000 samples:
    sentence label
    type string int
    • min: 20 tokens
    • mean: 104.63 tokens
    • max: 128 tokens
    • 1: ~1.00%
    • 4: ~2.00%
    • 5: ~3.00%
    • 11: ~1.00%
    • 12: ~1.00%
    • 18: ~1.00%
    • 19: ~6.00%
    • 20: ~8.00%
    • 21: ~3.00%
    • 30: ~1.00%
    • 32: ~1.00%
    • 34: ~1.00%
    • 45: ~1.00%
    • 46: ~2.00%
    • 47: ~2.00%
    • 50: ~1.00%
    • 51: ~1.00%
    • 53: ~4.00%
    • 65: ~1.00%
    • 68: ~2.00%
    • 69: ~1.00%
    • 74: ~1.00%
    • 79: ~5.00%
    • 88: ~1.00%
    • 89: ~1.00%
    • 93: ~1.00%
    • 107: ~3.00%
    • 115: ~1.00%
    • 126: ~1.00%
    • 143: ~1.00%
    • 150: ~1.00%
    • 161: ~1.00%
    • 175: ~1.00%
    • 202: ~1.00%
    • 220: ~1.00%
    • 222: ~1.00%
    • 227: ~1.00%
    • 229: ~1.00%
    • 231: ~1.00%
    • 232: ~1.00%
    • 235: ~1.00%
    • 236: ~1.00%
    • 251: ~2.00%
    • 275: ~1.00%
    • 276: ~1.00%
    • 296: ~1.00%
    • 305: ~1.00%
    • 309: ~1.00%
    • 314: ~1.00%
    • 334: ~1.00%
    • 342: ~1.00%
    • 368: ~1.00%
    • 376: ~1.00%
    • 381: ~1.00%
    • 400: ~1.00%
    • 402: ~1.00%
    • 404: ~1.00%
    • 419: ~1.00%
    • 473: ~1.00%
    • 496: ~1.00%
    • 547: ~1.00%
    • 548: ~1.00%
    • 553: ~1.00%
    • 585: ~1.00%
    • 594: ~2.00%
    • 605: ~1.00%
    • 606: ~1.00%
    • 662: ~1.00%
    • 798: ~1.00%
  • Samples:
    sentence label
    Article 26 - Federal Excise Tax (BRMA 17D) A.The Reinsurer has agreed to allow for the purpose of paying the Federal Excise Tax the applicable percentage of the premium payable hereon (as imposed under Section 4371 of the Internal Revenue Code) to the extent such premium is subject to the Federal Excise Tax. 32
    Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this Reinsurance Contract; this Reinsurance Contract excludes any loss; damage; liability; claim; cost or expense of whatsoever nature; directly or indirectly caused by; contributed to by; resulting from; arising out of; or in connection with a Communicable Disease or the fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of a Communicable Disease regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence thereto. 79
    Based on LMA 5410 - Amended to clarify consistency of coverage in the write-back
    1. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this reinsurance agreement or any endorsement thereto; this reinsurance agreement excludes all loss; damage; liability; cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by; contributed to by; resulting from; arising out of or in connection with:
    1.1 any loss of; alteration of; or damage to or a reduction in the functionality; availability or operation of a Computer System; unless subject to the provisions of paragraph 2;
    1.2 any loss of use; reduction in functionality; repair; replacement; restoration or reproduction of any Data; including any amount pertaining to the value of such Data.
    2. Subject to the other terms; conditions and exclusions contained in this reinsurance agreement; this reinsurance agreement will cover physical damage to property insured under the original policies and any Time Element Loss directly resulting therefrom where such physical damage is directly occasioned by a peril otherwise covered hereunder.
  • Loss: BatchAllTripletLoss


  • Dataset: def
  • Size: 100 evaluation samples
  • Columns: sentence and label
  • Approximate statistics based on the first 1000 samples:
    sentence label
    type string int
    • min: 5 tokens
    • mean: 70.36 tokens
    • max: 128 tokens
    • 1: ~1.00%
    • 3: ~8.00%
    • 4: ~1.00%
    • 5: ~1.00%
    • 7: ~1.00%
    • 8: ~2.00%
    • 19: ~4.00%
    • 25: ~1.00%
    • 26: ~2.00%
    • 29: ~2.00%
    • 32: ~2.00%
    • 33: ~2.00%
    • 34: ~1.00%
    • 38: ~1.00%
    • 39: ~1.00%
    • 54: ~3.00%
    • 55: ~1.00%
    • 68: ~1.00%
    • 78: ~2.00%
    • 80: ~1.00%
    • 82: ~1.00%
    • 84: ~1.00%
    • 93: ~1.00%
    • 98: ~1.00%
    • 120: ~1.00%
    • 134: ~1.00%
    • 135: ~1.00%
    • 143: ~1.00%
    • 144: ~2.00%
    • 149: ~1.00%
    • 154: ~1.00%
    • 161: ~1.00%
    • 173: ~1.00%
    • 180: ~1.00%
    • 181: ~1.00%
    • 183: ~2.00%
    • 206: ~1.00%
    • 236: ~1.00%
    • 238: ~1.00%
    • 239: ~1.00%
    • 243: ~1.00%
    • 244: ~1.00%
    • 256: ~1.00%
    • 264: ~1.00%
    • 326: ~1.00%
    • 361: ~1.00%
    • 367: ~1.00%
    • 374: ~1.00%
    • 377: ~1.00%
    • 429: ~1.00%
    • 433: ~1.00%
    • 443: ~1.00%
    • 448: ~1.00%
    • 473: ~1.00%
    • 488: ~1.00%
    • 521: ~1.00%
    • 535: ~1.00%
    • 556: ~1.00%
    • 557: ~1.00%
    • 580: ~1.00%
    • 589: ~1.00%
    • 679: ~1.00%
    • 693: ~1.00%
    • 797: ~1.00%
    • 857: ~1.00%
    • 859: ~1.00%
    • 871: ~1.00%
    • 873: ~1.00%
    • 960: ~1.00%
    • 979: ~1.00%
    • 1028: ~1.00%
    • 1155: ~1.00%
    • 1209: ~1.00%
    • 1213: ~1.00%
    • 1256: ~1.00%
    • 1297: ~1.00%
    • 1331: ~1.00%
    • 1481: ~1.00%
    • 1528: ~1.00%
    • 1541: ~1.00%
  • Samples:
    sentence label
    “Communicable Disease” means any disease which can be transmitted by means of any substance or agent from any organism to another organism where: a. the substance or agent includes; but is not limited to; a virus; bacterium; parasite or other organism or any variation thereof; whether deemed living or not; and b. the method of transmission; whether direct or indirect; includes but is not limited to; airborne transmission; bodily fluid transmission; transmission from or to any surface or object; solid; liquid or gas or between organisms; and c. the disease; substance or agent can cause or threaten damage to human health or human welfare or can cause or threaten damage to; deterioration of; loss of value of; marketability of or loss of use of property. 4
    “Production; Use or Storage of Nuclear Material” means the production; manufacture; enrichment; conditioning; processing; reprocessing; use; storage; handling and disposal of Nuclear Material. 25
    means information; facts; concepts; code or any other information of any kind that is recorded or transmitted in a form to be used; accessed; processed; transmitted or stored by a Computer System. 7
  • Loss: BatchAllTripletLoss

Training Hyperparameters

Non-Default Hyperparameters

  • eval_strategy: steps
  • per_device_train_batch_size: 16
  • per_device_eval_batch_size: 16
  • num_train_epochs: 10
  • warmup_ratio: 0.1

All Hyperparameters

Click to expand
  • overwrite_output_dir: False
  • do_predict: False
  • eval_strategy: steps
  • prediction_loss_only: True
  • per_device_train_batch_size: 16
  • per_device_eval_batch_size: 16
  • per_gpu_train_batch_size: None
  • per_gpu_eval_batch_size: None
  • gradient_accumulation_steps: 1
  • eval_accumulation_steps: None
  • learning_rate: 5e-05
  • weight_decay: 0.0
  • adam_beta1: 0.9
  • adam_beta2: 0.999
  • adam_epsilon: 1e-08
  • max_grad_norm: 1.0
  • num_train_epochs: 10
  • max_steps: -1
  • lr_scheduler_type: linear
  • lr_scheduler_kwargs: {}
  • warmup_ratio: 0.1
  • warmup_steps: 0
  • log_level: passive
  • log_level_replica: warning
  • log_on_each_node: True
  • logging_nan_inf_filter: True
  • save_safetensors: True
  • save_on_each_node: False
  • save_only_model: False
  • restore_callback_states_from_checkpoint: False
  • no_cuda: False
  • use_cpu: False
  • use_mps_device: False
  • seed: 42
  • data_seed: None
  • jit_mode_eval: False
  • use_ipex: False
  • bf16: False
  • fp16: False
  • fp16_opt_level: O1
  • half_precision_backend: auto
  • bf16_full_eval: False
  • fp16_full_eval: False
  • tf32: None
  • local_rank: 0
  • ddp_backend: None
  • tpu_num_cores: None
  • tpu_metrics_debug: False
  • debug: []
  • dataloader_drop_last: False
  • dataloader_num_workers: 0
  • dataloader_prefetch_factor: None
  • past_index: -1
  • disable_tqdm: False
  • remove_unused_columns: True
  • label_names: None
  • load_best_model_at_end: False
  • ignore_data_skip: False
  • fsdp: []
  • fsdp_min_num_params: 0
  • fsdp_config: {'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_v2': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False}
  • fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap: None
  • accelerator_config: {'split_batches': False, 'dispatch_batches': None, 'even_batches': True, 'use_seedable_sampler': True, 'non_blocking': False, 'gradient_accumulation_kwargs': None}
  • deepspeed: None
  • label_smoothing_factor: 0.0
  • optim: adamw_torch
  • optim_args: None
  • adafactor: False
  • group_by_length: False
  • length_column_name: length
  • ddp_find_unused_parameters: None
  • ddp_bucket_cap_mb: None
  • ddp_broadcast_buffers: False
  • dataloader_pin_memory: True
  • dataloader_persistent_workers: False
  • skip_memory_metrics: True
  • use_legacy_prediction_loop: False
  • push_to_hub: False
  • resume_from_checkpoint: None
  • hub_model_id: None
  • hub_strategy: every_save
  • hub_private_repo: False
  • hub_always_push: False
  • gradient_checkpointing: False
  • gradient_checkpointing_kwargs: None
  • include_inputs_for_metrics: False
  • eval_do_concat_batches: True
  • fp16_backend: auto
  • push_to_hub_model_id: None
  • push_to_hub_organization: None
  • mp_parameters:
  • auto_find_batch_size: False
  • full_determinism: False
  • torchdynamo: None
  • ray_scope: last
  • ddp_timeout: 1800
  • torch_compile: False
  • torch_compile_backend: None
  • torch_compile_mode: None
  • dispatch_batches: None
  • split_batches: None
  • include_tokens_per_second: False
  • include_num_input_tokens_seen: False
  • neftune_noise_alpha: None
  • optim_target_modules: None
  • batch_eval_metrics: False
  • batch_sampler: batch_sampler
  • multi_dataset_batch_sampler: proportional

Training Logs

Epoch Step Training Loss def loss cla loss
0.7289 500 1.3142 1.5857 2.1086
1.4577 1000 1.2907 1.4576 2.2290
2.1866 1500 1.0345 1.7199 2.0538
2.9155 2000 0.8391 1.9506 1.8539
3.6443 2500 0.5846 2.4397 2.2324
4.3732 3000 0.5528 3.5239 2.6763
5.1020 3500 0.4433 2.8426 1.5699
5.8309 4000 0.3711 2.9973 1.4699
6.5598 4500 0.3103 3.6352 1.3780
7.2886 5000 0.1626 3.0137 1.8252
8.0175 5500 0.1272 3.0256 1.6590
8.7464 6000 0.1103 3.0506 1.8243
9.4752 6500 0.0492 2.9475 1.6129

Framework Versions

  • Python: 3.10.12
  • Sentence Transformers: 3.0.1
  • Transformers: 4.41.2
  • PyTorch: 2.3.0+cu121
  • Accelerate: 0.32.0
  • Datasets: 2.20.0
  • Tokenizers: 0.19.1



Sentence Transformers

    title = "Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks",
    author = "Reimers, Nils and Gurevych, Iryna",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = "11",
    year = "2019",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.10084",


    title={In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification}, 
    author={Alexander Hermans and Lucas Beyer and Bastian Leibe},
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