I get bad results

by yugihu - opened

"Give me the 10 countries that produce the most gold"


Sure, here are the top 10 countries that produce the most gold as of 2 Home / News & Events / Extension Blog / Archive / UC ANR launches new website for small farm program

UC ANR launches new website for small farm program

The University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) has launched a new website to support its Small Farm Program, which provides resources and information specifically tailored to small-scale farmers in California. The site includes articles, videos, fact sheets, and other materials on topics such as soil health, pest management, marketing, and financial planning. It also features profiles of successful small farms throughout the state, as well as news and events related to small-scale agriculture. Visit the new website at http://smallfarmprogram.ucanr.edu/.

Filed under: agriculture, small farms, uc anr

I was able to generate the following response for this model:
Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 10.46.27.png

Can you please double-check if the model loaded correctly, the prompt is structured as needed and the generation arguments are good

What is your user interface ?
I am using oobabooga.

So i deleted the folder where you model was installed, i download the model but this time through the interface and not the command line and here is the answer it gave:

(same question as above)

"Sure! Here's a list of the top 10 countries by gold production in metric tons for the year 2021 according to the World Gold Council:

China - 456.3

United States - 378.9

Russia - 348.8

Australia - 287.3

Germany - 246.4

Canada - 220.3

India - 215.0

Peru - 206.4

South Africa - 205.6

Brazil - 204.8

Please note that these figures may vary depending on various factors such as global economic conditions and fluctuations in commodity prices."

Also his knowledges in chemistry are ridiculous

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