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Adapter gpt2_sentiment_sst-2_houlsby for gpt2

Adapter for gpt2 in Houlsby architecture trained on the SST-2 dataset for 10 epochs with a learning rate of 1e-4.

This adapter was created for usage with the Adapters library.


First, install adapters:

pip install -U adapters

Now, the adapter can be loaded and activated like this:

from adapters import AutoAdapterModel

model = AutoAdapterModel.from_pretrained("gpt2")
adapter_name = model.load_adapter("AdapterHub/gpt2_sentiment_sst-2_houlsby")

Architecture & Training

  • Adapter architecture: houlsby
  • Prediction head: classification
  • Dataset: SST-2

Author Information


This adapter has been auto-imported from https://github.com/Adapter-Hub/Hub/blob/master/adapters/ukp/gpt2_sentiment_sst-2_houlsby.yaml.

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