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IN4334 ML4SE

Group1 WizardCoder

This model is the result of the fine-tunign of the WizardCoder-1B-V1.0 model using Structured Chain-of-Though (S-CoT) enhanced instructions. S-CoT is used to enhance a sample of about 1200 entries from the Evol-Instruct 80k dataset. The resulting dataset is then used for the training task. The current WizardCoder model and the new S-CoT fine-tuned one are compared on both versions of HumanEval and MBPP (S-CoT enhanced and not) on the pass@1 metric. The S-CoT enhancement of the evaluation datasets allows to study its effect when used just as a prompting technique, independently of the S-CoT fine-tuning of the model.

Fine-tuning Details

Hyperparameter WizardCoder-1B-V1.0
Batch size 16
Learning rate 2e-5
Epochs 3
Max length 2048
Warmup step 30
LR scheduler cosine
Dataset ML4SE23_G1_EvolInstruct-SCoT-1k

The hardware consisted on a GPU instance rented from DataCrunch with the following specifications:

NVidia RTX A6000 48GB 1A6000.10V
2 GPUs
10 CPUs
100GB SSD Storage
Ubuntu 20.04
CUDA 11.6


Results of pass@1(%) on HumanEval and MBPP compared to HumanEval-SCoT and MBPP-SCoT using WizardCoder-1B, WizardCoder-SCoT-1B and WizardCoder-15B.

Dataset WizardCoder-1B-V1.0 WizardCoder-SCoT-1B-V1.0 WizardCoder-15B-V1.0
HumanEval 23.78 17.68 57.3
HumanEval-SCoT 44.51 27.44 57.3
MBPP 23.4 19.4 51.8
MBPP-SCoT 40 28 45.6
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Dataset used to train AISE-TUDelft/ML4SE23_G1_WizardCoder-SCoT-1B-V1.0

Collection including AISE-TUDelft/ML4SE23_G1_WizardCoder-SCoT-1B-V1.0