Setting DNABERT-2 revision

by SeanDoyle - opened

I am trying to set the revision for the DNABERT-2 model I download with the following code:

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("zhihan1996/DNABERT-2-117M", trust_remote_code=True, revision="1c51eccc93c384e4ded6a71055ac360d0cf68196")
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("zhihan1996/DNABERT-2-117M", trust_remote_code=True, revision="1c51eccc93c384e4ded6a71055ac360d0cf68196")

However whenever I execute this code, I always end up with the most recent revision:

Does anyone what I am doing wrong here or why I keep getting the most recent revision?

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