complete script for reproducing results

by Guanxiong - opened


Thanks for sharing your nice work. It is very helpful for my research. I'm attempting to reproduce the results with this trained model, but I'm confronting some problems reproducing it correctly. Could you please give some hints about how to generate the mask and kspace from the fastmri dataset using your repository? I would appreciate it if there was a complete script for that.

Guanxiong Luo

Guanxiong changed discussion title from complete script to r to complete script
Guanxiong changed discussion title from complete script to complete script for reproducing results

Hi @Guanxiong ,

Thanks so much for reaching out and sorry for replying only now, I had not seen your message.
I am not sure I understand the question:

If you have any error using this script, please do not hesitate to file an issue on the github repo.

Zaccharie Ramzi

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