yentinglin's picture
# For reference on model card metadata, see the spec:
# Doc / guide:
license: apache-2.0
- zh
- text: >-
A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant.
The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's
questions. USER: 你好,請問你可以幫我寫一封推薦信嗎? ASSISTANT:
library_name: transformers
pipeline_tag: text-generation
extra_gated_heading: Acknowledge license to accept the repository.
extra_gated_prompt: Please contact the author for access.
extra_gated_button_content: Acknowledge license 同意以上內容
Name: text
Mail: text
Organization: text
Country: text
Any utilization of the Taiwan LLM repository mandates the explicit acknowledgment and attribution to the original author: checkbox
使用Taiwan LLM必須明確地承認和歸功於優必達株式會社 Ubitus 以及原始作者: checkbox
# Taiwan LLM based on LLaMa2-7b
continue pretraining on 20 billion tokens in traditional mandarin and instruction fine-tuning on millions of conversations.
This version does NOT include commoncrawl.
# 🌟 Checkout New [Taiwan-LLM Demo Chat-UI]( 🌟
# Collaboration with Ubitus K.K. 💪💪💪
本項目與 Ubitus K.K. 合作進行。Ubitus 為本項目提供寶貴的技術支持和計算資源。
Taiwan LLM v2 is conducted in collaboration with [Ubitus K.K.]( Ubitus provides valuable technical support and compute resources for the project.