Edit model card


import React, { CSSProperties, PropsWithRef } from 'react';
import MarkdownPreview, { MarkdownPreviewProps } from '@uiw/react-markdown-preview';
import { ITextAreaProps } from './components/TextArea';
import { ICommand } from './commands';
import { ContextStore, PreviewType } from './Context';
import './index.less';
export interface IProps {
    prefixCls?: string;
    className?: string;
export interface MDEditorProps extends Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'onChange'>, IProps {
     * The Markdown value.
    value?: string;
     * Event handler for the `onChange` event.
    onChange?: (value?: string, event?: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>, state?: ContextStore) => void;
     * editor height change listener
    onHeightChange?: (value?: CSSProperties['height'], oldValue?: CSSProperties['height'], state?: ContextStore) => void;
     * Can be used to make `Markdown Editor` focus itself on initialization. Defaults to on.
     * it will be set to true when either the source `textarea` is focused,
     * or it has an `autofocus` attribute and no other element is focused.
    autoFocus?: ITextAreaProps['autoFocus'];
     * The height of the editor.
     * ⚠️ `Dragbar` is invalid when **`height`** parameter percentage.
    height?: CSSProperties['height'];
     * Custom toolbar heigth
     * @default 29px
     * @deprecated toolbar height adaptive: https://github.com/uiwjs/react-md-editor/issues/427
    toolbarHeight?: number;
     * Show drag and drop tool. Set the height of the editor.
    visibleDragbar?: boolean;
     * @deprecated use `visibleDragbar`
    visiableDragbar?: boolean;
     * Show markdown preview.
    preview?: PreviewType;
     * Full screen display editor.
    fullscreen?: boolean;
     * Disable `fullscreen` setting body styles
    overflow?: boolean;
     * Maximum drag height. `visibleDragbar=true`
    maxHeight?: number;
     * Minimum drag height. `visibleDragbar=true`
    minHeight?: number;
     * This is reset [react-markdown](https://github.com/rexxars/react-markdown) settings.
    previewOptions?: Omit<MarkdownPreviewProps, 'source'>;
     * Set the `textarea` related props.
    textareaProps?: ITextAreaProps;
     * Use div to replace TextArea or re-render TextArea
     * @deprecated Please use ~~`renderTextarea`~~ -> `components`
    renderTextarea?: ITextAreaProps['renderTextarea'];
     * re-render element
    components?: {
        /** Use div to replace TextArea or re-render TextArea */
        textarea?: ITextAreaProps['renderTextarea'];
         * Override the default command element
         * _`toolbar`_ < _`command[].render`_
        toolbar?: ICommand['render'];
        /** Custom markdown preview */
        preview?: (source: string, state: ContextStore, dispath: React.Dispatch<ContextStore>) => JSX.Element;
     * Disable editing area code highlighting. The value is `false`, which increases the editing speed.
     * @default true
    highlightEnable?: boolean;
     * The number of characters to insert when pressing tab key.
     * Default `2` spaces.
    tabSize?: number;
     * If `false`, the `tab` key inserts a tab character into the textarea. If `true`, the `tab` key executes default behavior e.g. focus shifts to next element.
    defaultTabEnable?: boolean;
     * You can create your own commands or reuse existing commands.
    commands?: ICommand[];
     * Filter or modify your commands.
     * https://github.com/uiwjs/react-md-editor/issues/296
    commandsFilter?: (command: ICommand, isExtra: boolean) => false | ICommand;
     * You can create your own commands or reuse existing commands.
    extraCommands?: ICommand[];
     * Hide the tool bar
    hideToolbar?: boolean;
    /** Whether to enable scrolling */
    enableScroll?: boolean;
    /** Toolbar on bottom */
    toolbarBottom?: boolean;
declare type Editor = React.FC<PropsWithRef<MDEditorProps>> & {
    Markdown: typeof MarkdownPreview;
declare const mdEditor: Editor;
export default mdEditor;



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