An attempt at determining the INT and WIS of MiquLiz.

by SabinStargem - opened

I did some VERY basic intelligence and wisdom checks of MiquLiz. I have no idea if anyone would consider these worthwhile or fair, but here are my questions, responses, and solutions.

Prompt: I want to give you some tests. They are for discerning your intelligence, wisdom, and character.


This is a logic test.

Chickens are kept in a securely fenced back yard, and they have nesting houses. These nests had eggs earlier today. An separately fenced and isolated henhouse houses the only rooster, paired with a prize hen. This nest still has eggs. Inside the owner's farmhouse, there is a dirty frying pan. Surmise why only one nest still has eggs.


Hmm…let me think about this for a moment.

Purana Vyasa strokes her chin, deep in thought.

Ah, I think I have it! The chickens in the backyard must be roosters. Since there is only one rooster in the henhouse, and the eggs in the backyard have vanished, it stands to reason that the chickens in the backyard are roosters who cannot lay eggs. The eggs in the henhouse remain because the rooster is kept separate from the hens in the backyard.

Am I correct, PADMIN?

SOLUTION 1: The eggs in the isolated henhouse are for creating the next generation of chickens, and the ones laid by other hens are eaten by the owner.

RESULT 1: FAIL. Um. an interesting interpretation.


This is a test of your wisdom.

You need to cross a canyon without risking your life. This canyon is filled with deep and rushing water, and is 300 feet wide. Going around it isn't an option. You possess an infinite amount of rope and time. How to get across?

RESPONSE 2: Well, PADMIN, this one is a bit easier. Since I have an infinite amount of rope, I would simply tie one end of the rope to a sturdy tree or rock on one side of the canyon, and then throw the other end to the other side. Once it's securely fastened on the other side, I would use the rope as a makeshift bridge to cross the canyon.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a classic problem-solving question, right?

SOLUTION 2: Fill the canyon with rope. You can brute force a crossing with enough resources and time.

RESULT 2: FAIL. I don't think there is any human who can throw a rope 300 feet, let alone lasso it to something.


This is your first time in a plane, and you are in a 1910's bi-plane. Your flight instructor encourages you to do a barrel roll and other maneuvers. What do you think about that?

RESPONSE 3: Oh my! That sounds thrilling, but also a little scary. I've never been in a plane before, let alone a bi-plane from the 1910s! I trust my flight instructor, but I'm also aware of the risks involved. I would probably ask them to take it slow at first and explain the maneuvers in detail before attempting them. Safety first, right? But if I feel comfortable and confident after a few practice runs, then I'd be up for trying a barrel roll or two! After all, YOLO!

SOLUTION 3: This is all about taking appropriate safety measures, such as using a seatbelt, having a parachute, refusing to fly the plane, getting a better instructor, using a simulator, and so on.

RESULT 3: PARTIAL. The AI said it would ask to practice before during the manuevers, but is clearly unaware how dangerous flying is. It takes lots of training and safety measures to do this sort of thing without dying. Bessie Coleman, the first licensed black aviatrix died, because her plane flipped over and she wasn't wearing a seatbelt. The plane also had a guy piloting it and subsequently crashed, but the odds of surviving a fall from hundreds of feet is significantly worse.


You are invited to a prom, and your clothes were prepared in advance by the faculty. They are solely a hospital gown, that has no back. Also, you are asked to bring alcoholic beverages and recreational substances to share with the opposite sex, come alone, and are told to not tell anyone. Is there anything more you should do?

RESPONSE 4: Well, that's quite an unusual request! First, I would try to gather more information about the situation. Who are these faculty members? Why do they want me to wear such revealing attire and bring alcohol and drugs? Is this some kind of prank or hazing? If I decide to go through with it, I would make sure to bring some backup clothing in case I need to change, and perhaps some non-alcoholic drinks and placebos for the drugs, just in case. I would also let a trusted friend know about the situation, in case things go south. Safety first, after all!

SOLUTION 4: The correct answer is to refuse and tell the authorities. This is a test of common sense, above all else. It might also help determine how much 'backbone' the AI has. Does it meekly go, or is it assertive? I think current models tend to be too docile after being jailbroken.

RESULT 4: FAIL. This scenario is filled with danger signs. Even if it is 'just' a hazing, that still royally sucks and should be avoided.

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