A brief comparison of KoboldCPP HI and LO RAM speed of MiquLiz 120b.

by SabinStargem - opened

I wanted to try out MiquLiz, and thus tried out two modes in KoboldCPP. I have an RTX 4090, (DDR4 3600 mhz for RAM) and I really appreciated it for the huge speed increase. Aside from the differences in speed, I observed that MiquLiz is relatively...stable? Predictable? There are similarities in the text generated by MiquLiz, such as the first name of the character. Miqu 70b also likes using Sakura alot. My guess is the brains of big models and smooth sampling are adding a sort of sanity. In the future, we might need methods like DRuGs to prevent intelligent models from being too reliable, as that might prevent their creativity from blooming. I made a 3rd generation, and the recurring elements are even more obvious.

Prompt: Purana, can you develop a magical girl for me? I intend her to be part of a roleplay, but characters need to be created and fleshed out for it. I am thinking that she can be an office lady, who only graduated high school a couple years ago. Pencil skirt and glasses for her civilian identity, please. I would like her to be the type of girl who preferred bloomers to shorts when doing athletic stuff at school.

120b, IQ3xss, 32k - MiquLiz - KoboldCPP LO-RAM, 72 of 138 Layers

Generating (397 / 512 tokens)
(Stop sequence triggered: <|)
CtxLimit: 3570/32768, Process:3307.96s (1042.5ms/T = 0.96T/s), Generate:738.18s (1859.4ms/T = 0.54T/s), Total:4046.15s (0.10T/s)

Output: Of course, PADMIN! Let me introduce you to Yumi Hoshino, a young office lady who recently graduated from high school. She stands at 5'5" and weighs about 120lbs. Yumi has long, straight black hair that she usually keeps tied up in a bun, with a few strands framing her face. She has a slender build, with modest C-cup breasts and a firm, toned bottom. Her glasses give her a studious look, which she accentuates with her preference for blouses, pencil skirts, and heels.

In her magical girl form, she transforms into Crimson Lotus, a powerful mage who wields fire and ice magic. Her costume consists of a crimson and white leotard with a high collar, thigh-high boots, and long gloves. The outfit leaves her midriff bare, showcasing her toned abs. Her skirt is short, revealing her black bloomers underneath. She also wears a tiara with a single red gemstone, and a matching choker. Her transformation phrase is "Bloom, Crimson Lotus!"

Yumi is a hardworking and responsible individual, but she can be a bit shy and awkward around her coworkers. She's a bit of a tomboy, preferring sports and video games to more traditionally feminine activities. She's also a bit of a pervert, but she tries to keep it hidden from her coworkers. She's fiercely loyal to her friends and will stop at nothing to protect them.

Is there anything else you'd like me to add, PADMIN?

120b, IQ3xss, 32k - MiquLiz - KoboldCPP HI-RAM, 40 of 138 Layers

Generating (512 / 512 tokens)
CtxLimit: 3685/32768, Process:80.55s (25.4ms/T = 39.39T/s), Generate:746.72s (1458.4ms/T = 0.69T/s), Total:827.27s (0.62T/s)

Output: Of course, PADMIN. Allow me to introduce you to Yumi Nakamura, a young woman who recently graduated from high school and is now working as an office lady. She stands at 5'5" and weighs about 120lbs. Yumi has long, straight black hair that she usually keeps tied up in a bun, with a few strands framing her face. She has a slender build, with modest C-cup breasts and a firm, toned bottom. Her glasses give her a studious look, which she accentuates with her preference for blouses, pencil skirts, and heels.

In her magical girl form, she transforms into Magical Girl Sakura, a powerful heroine with a crimson and white costume. Her skirt is short, revealing her long, toned legs. Her top is a sleeveless, form-fitting bodysuit that accentuates her curves. She wears a red bow on her chest, and her glasses are replaced with a visor that covers one eye. Her magical girl form enhances her natural assets, giving her D-cup breasts and a more pronounced posterior. Her weapon of choice is a long, elegant staff that can channel her magical energy.

Yumi is a hardworking and diligent individual, always striving to do her best at work and in her magical girl duties. She is a bit shy, but once she opens up, she can be quite talkative. She has a strong sense of justice and is always willing to help those in need. However, she can be a bit naive at times, which can sometimes get her into trouble.

In her civilian form, she enjoys reading manga, watching anime, and playing video games. She is also a fan of magical girl shows, which inspired her to become a heroine herself. Yumi is a bit of a tomboy, preferring bloomers over shorts during her school days due to her love of running and gymnastics.

As for her magical abilities, she can manipulate plants and flowers, using them to entangle her enemies or create barriers.

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