Daniel Hopkins PRO


AI & ML interests

Our vision is to create a service that allows individuals to synthesize the voice and replicate the artistic talents of their deceased loved ones using machine learning technology. Specifically, we aim to develop an AI system that can accurately mimic the voice, singing style, speech patterns, and writing mannerisms of someone based on a substantial collection of recorded audio they have left behind. This endeavor holds personal significance to me, as I seek to immortalize the legacy of my late father, who was an accomplished singer. With multiple hours of recorded audio, including interviews and performances, I wish to create an AI that not only emulates his voice but also learns his songs, lyrics, and artistic nuances. By doing so, I aim to preserve his unique talent and allow future generations, including my children and his grandchildren, to experience his artistry even though they will not have the opportunity to meet him in person. Once we have successfully developed this AI model , we plan to expand our services and offer this to the public. We believe that many individuals who possess audio recordings of their deceased loved ones would cherish the ability to recreate their voices and talents in such a manner. Through this venture, we hope to provide solace and a sense of connection to those who long for the presence of their dearly departed.


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