Add Diffusers weights

by wavymulder - opened

Add Diffusers weights converted from checkpoint collage-1.0.safetensors in revision 37bf9e30c2669ac4e6c15f6fc28dcd828fc753f7

Alright, I've tried at least 5 different times... I am unable to convert this to Diffusers using any Huggingface space I can find.

wavymulder changed pull request status to closed

hi @wavymulder it seems like the SD to diffusers its not working correcly,

you might need to follow the steps for the conversion here

it seems like the original config file is missing on your repo
--original_config_file - the original config file. This should be a file that ends with a yaml suffix. In case no file is present you should try to find the corresponding file in the github repo the .ckpt model originated from. Some examples:

It's worked every other time for every other model using the same method, kinda at a loss as to what I need to do fix this. The Space allows to select for model version, which should select the v.1 inference yaml.

great point, can you jump to that thread and tag @patrickvonplaten ?

could you please @wavymulder try again? I've reboot the space , is your origiinal model v1? or v2?

@radames thank you, the original model is v1. I will retry in a few moments, am currently downloading the ckpt to ensure it uploaded correctly and is not corrupted or something.

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