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Model Name: NSFW-gen-v2

ANIME version Here

Type: Text-to-Image Generator

Description: NSFW-gen is a text-to-image generator developed by UnfilteredAI. This model is designed to generate all kinds of images, including explicit and NSFW (Not Safe For Work) images from textual inputs.


  • Uncensored Output: The model produces uncensored and potentially explicit images based on textual inputs.
  • Tensor Type: Operates with FP16 tensor type for optimized performance and efficiency.
  • Model Size: With 3.47 billion parameters, the model offers a vast capacity for learning and generating diverse imagery.
  • 3D Style Rendering: The model now includes 3D style/image rendering capability to generate more realistic images. (Use 3d, 3d style in your prompt)

Usage Guidelines:

  • Responsible Use: Exercise discretion and responsibility when generating content with this model.
  • Age Restriction: Due to the explicit nature of the generated content, usage is restricted to individuals over the legal age in their jurisdiction.
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