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I'll be throwing stuff up on here when I'm done finding a conclusive version of a merge or w/e.

A little disclaimer: To use these models, you need to download the model itself AS WELL as its config file (the .yaml one) and place it under the same directory as the model itself.

The first uploaded version is a mix of this is cartoon v2 used as base, then fluffyrock-1088-zsnr-vpred-e267-minsnr-e21-ema as the one being added using train difference method of merging in the supermerger extension, then color adjusted according to the following preset: 0,0,0,1,1,-2,2,3

And in case you want to try fucking around with adjusting stuff yourself, an untouched version is up on the repo as well.

Notable mention: CD Tuner and Alternative Init Noise can be used to further tune the output color/detail-wise.

So, for whatever-the-fuck reason, by waspsalad, by dr.bubblebum, by funkybun, by fluff-kevlar artist combo results in IMMENSE yellow tinting. Testing using this and adjusting means I have erroneously nudged the model further towards teal-blue-green. OH WELL! It's staying up anyway.

Also, upon further testing, having some kind of color tint appears to come specifically out of the chosen FFR epoch and tied SPECIFICALLY to chosen artists. There are tags like yellow theme; warm theme; warm colors; red theme; purple theme; pink theme; orange theme; light theme; grey theme; green theme; dark theme; cool theme; cool colors; brown theme; blue theme that can help alleviate that to an extent.

In conclusion, trying to bake in any kind of color adjustments into the merge past baseline alignment is kinda futile, since there's so many tags and circumstances that could throw it out of whack, you just can't account for everything. ___

10/12/23: Added a version of the mix based on the last available regular-ass FFR vpred fork, 257-e11. Liked the white balance on that.

13/12/23: Added another mix variant dreamshaper8-257-e11-vpred.fp16, this time between dreamshaper 8 and 257-e11 vpred, inspired by the recent fluffyshaper merge. Turned out pretty neat! I'll reorganize the repo a bit later to set every major variation (sorted by base model used) in its own category.

license: wtfpl

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