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Wandb run id: https://wandb.ai/eleutherai/pythia-rlhf/runs/pdoqt0ty

Eval Results:

Task Version Filter Metric Value Stderr
arc_challenge Yaml none acc 0.3353 ± 0.0138
none acc_norm 0.3575 ± 0.0140
arc_easy Yaml none acc 0.6907 ± 0.0095
none acc_norm 0.6153 ± 0.0100
lambada_openai Yaml none perplexity 4.2478 ± 0.1020
none acc 0.6590 ± 0.0066
logiqa Yaml none acc 0.2350 ± 0.0166
none acc_norm 0.2780 ± 0.0176
piqa Yaml none acc 0.7557 ± 0.0100
none acc_norm 0.7688 ± 0.0098
sciq Yaml none acc 0.8990 ± 0.0095
none acc_norm 0.8270 ± 0.0120
winogrande Yaml none acc 0.6330 ± 0.0135
wsc Yaml none acc 0.3654 ± 0.0474
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