
best quality, painting, portait
Negative Prompt
(worst quality, low quality, normal quality)

Model description

This lora is all about creating safe and respectful images, and will occasionally touch on artistic nude expression.

TakturDesTauri has the future goal of emulating the ethereal quality of watercolor and opaque paintings. With the power of the new VAE, it tries to capture the subtleties of traditional art forms.

The name translates to "rhythm of shades".

Trigger words

You should use painting to trigger the image generation.


As the author of the LoRA, I ask the 🤗 and CivitAI community and archivers, please, do not make a public copy of this model. Do not reuse, do not upload to paid services without permission.

The model was trained with a modified version of dreambooth. The training data is public domain.

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Weights for this model are available in Safetensors format.

Download them for personal use, in the Files & versions tab.

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