bpw and corresponding vram usage

by joujiboi - opened

How much vram does/will each bpw require?


Out of an abundance of caution I downloaded the 2.4bpw for my 24GB card (because 2.4bpw fits a 70b model) but, 2.4bpw should fit in a 16GB card instead. Which is awesome.

Edit: Nevermind, 3.5bpw is quite clever. 2.4bpw is too dumb, don't use that one. If you need to use 2.4bpw, use a 13B model instead, unless you really need the context or it works for you.

3.5bpw uses 22.2GB of VRAM. It looks like if a 3.7bpw were created it would still fit on a 24GB VRAM card and maybe perform slightly better.

3.5bpw uses 22.2GB of VRAM. It looks like if a 3.7bpw were created it would still fit on a 24GB VRAM card and maybe perform slightly better.

Is that with the full 32K context?

The answer is "not quite"

Looks like you need 3.3bpw-3.4bpw to fit 32K on a completely empty 3090.

Yeah, 28500 context is precisely what my GPU can fit before OOM.

You can do the full 32K completely on a 3090 with 3.5bpw, fp16 cache, with about 1GB VRAM Windows usage, and without CUDA - Sysmen Fallback Policy while using TabbyAPI w/ CUDA 12.x, Python 3.11, and Flash Attention 2.

The usage is about 22.6 GB~ VRAM at 32k (or about 23.6 including the 1GB VRAM Windows usage)

Is it worth it or practical? Not on my machine or with the current version as the T/s was about 0.13.
Metrics: 78 tokens generated in 585.05 seconds (0.13 T/s, context 32353 tokens)

Speed around 4k is fast:
Metrics: 90 tokens generated in 2.17 seconds (41.43 T/s, context 4219 tokens) <-- Not accurate (truncated)

You can do the full 32K completely on a 3090 with 3.5bpw, fp16 cache, with about 1GB VRAM Windows usage, and without CUDA - Sysmen Fallback Policy while using TabbyAPI w/ CUDA 12.x, Python 3.11, and Flash Attention 2.

The usage is about 22.6 GB~ VRAM at 32k (or about 23.6 including the 1GB VRAM Windows usage)

Is it worth it or practical? Not on my machine or with the current version as the T/s was about 0.13.
Metrics: 78 tokens generated in 585.05 seconds (0.13 T/s, context 32353 tokens)

Speed around 4k is fast:
Metrics: 90 tokens generated in 2.17 seconds (41.43 T/s, context 4219 tokens) <-- Not accurate (truncated)

I think that means you are actually OOMing, even if the monitor doesn't show it? On linux I OOM hard at 28K, and its crazy fast up to then.

Actually I can probably get it up a bit more by changing the chunk size... Exui defaults to 2048, other UIs/APIs default to less I think.

I think that means you are actually OOMing, even if the monitor doesn't show it? On linux I OOM hard at 28K, and its crazy fast up to then.

Actually I can probably get it up a bit more by changing the chunk size... Exui defaults to 2048, other UIs/APIs default to less I think.

I think you're right. When double-checking the the Sysmen Fallback Policy, it appears it wasn't on for this instance of python, which explains the slowdown, because it was likely splitting the GPU with CPU.

This model is amazing, on par with GPT 3.5 or better...so far better than dolphin or other fine tuned

fyi. I was able to load this model (2.4bpw) on colab T4 instance with 15GB Vram

Running inference on model: /home/neuron/exllamav2/models/Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-exl2_2.4bpw
-- Model: /home/neuron/exllamav2/models/Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-exl2_2.4bpw
-- Options: ['gpu_split: 23,23', 'rope_scale: 1.0', 'rope_alpha: 1.0']
-- Loading model...
-- Loading tokenizer...
-- Warmup...
-- Generating...

Once upon a time,TDM was the largest and most popular game mode in CS:GO. Today, it is still one of the most played modes, but it has been overtaken by Valorant’s “Solo queue” mode.

The reason for this change is that a lot of gamers don’t like playing with strangers. They prefer to play with friends or known teammates. This makes TDM less attractive for many players.

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-- Response generated in 5.91 seconds, 256 tokens, 43.33 tokens/second (includes prompt eval.)

2 rtx 3090 nvlink

With 2x3090, you can go a lot more than 2.4 bpw. I'm able to load 3.5bpw on a single 3090


Yes, I am trying different combinations and the 8.0bpw model is the one that I cannot start.


I want to download 3.0 bpw. Do I need to do manually? I am using git clone but no getting the config files and all and trying to use AutoModelForCausalLM but failed. Could you please guide me how to download and deploy using exllamav2

I want to download 3.0 bpw. Do I need to do manually? I am using git clone but no getting the config files and all and trying to use AutoModelForCausalLM but failed. Could you please guide me how to download and deploy using exllamav2

use huggingface-cl,install it in python env and activate the env, git clone has many issues

huggingface-cli download "$model_path" --revision $branch --local-dir /home/user/dev/models/"$model_name" --local-dir-use-symlinks False

It worked @Ahmed Morsi...thank you so much

Load 3.5bpw on my RTX 4090 with tabbyAPI, 8192 context, 83 tokens/s.
The generated code looks fine. It's pretty cool, way faster than GGUF models run under Mac M1 Ultra.

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