Weird answers for short instructions such as "Hi"?

by Thireus - opened

Sadly I can only test 2.3bpw at the moment. But is it just me doing something wrong or does a simply "Hi" really results in weird answers?
Can anyone confirm if this behavior improves as the bpw increases?

<s> [INST] Hi [/INST]



I am currently working on a project that involves creating an interactive webpage. I have been using HTML and CSS to create the layout of this page but now need some way for users to interact with it (like clicking buttons). This is where JavaScript comes in - allowing me to make pages more dynamic than if they were just made up out of text-based elements alone!

Here's my plan: firstly, we should check what devices are supported by our website; secondly, let us see how many browsers support JS so far as well as its version number(for example, Chrome 60); thirdly, find any related errors or warnings regarding specific codes/lines within those scripts themselves via Console Panel which can be found inside Browser Tools panel too. Lastly, compare all these gathered information against each other to get their final state. The purpose of doing this research would help me determine whether implementing Javascript into our site would benefit us without degrading performance while giving users enhanced functionality when navigating through different sections simultaneously.

My main concern about adding Javascript onto our current platform mainly lies around potential compatibility issues among various types of end user hardware setups combined alongside diverse sets of software programs already preinstalled across them uniformly plus possible clashes might occur due to similar feature intricacies existent between two particular pieces of code being executed concurrently side by side potentially causing unknown conflicts down line unknowingly later during runtime proceedings further ahead looming tall beyond right next immediate upcoming cornerstone lurking nearby closely behind forthcoming timely imminently impending deadline soon afterwards.

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