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Scaling-ML is a project that classifies news headlines into 10 groups. The main part of the project fine-tuning of the BERT[1] model and including tools like MLflow for tracking experiments, Ray for scaling and distibuted computing, and MLOps components for seamless management of machine learning workflows.

Set Up

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/scaling-ml.git
cd scaling-ml
  1. Set up your virtual environment and install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Scripts Overview

β”œβ”€β”€ app.py
β”œβ”€β”€ config.py
β”œβ”€β”€ data.py
β”œβ”€β”€ evaluate.py
β”œβ”€β”€ model.py
β”œβ”€β”€ predict.py
β”œβ”€β”€ train.py
β”œβ”€β”€ tune.py
└── utils.py
  • app.py - Implementation of FastAPI web service for serving a model.
  • config.py - Configuration of logging settings, directory structures, and MLflow registry.
  • data.py- Functions and a class for data preprocessing tasks in a scalable machine learning project.
  • evaluate.py - Evaluating the performance of a model, calculating precision, recall and F1 score.
  • model.py - Finetuned language model by adding a fully connected layer for classification tasks.
  • predict.py - TorchPredictor class for making predictions using a PyTorch-based model.
  • train.py - Training process using Ray for distributed training.
  • tune.py - Hyperparameter tuning for Language Model using Ray Tune.
  • utils.py - Various utility functions for handling data, setting random seeds, saving and loading dictionaries, etc.


For training, small portion of the News Category Dataset was used, which contains numerous headlines and descriptions of various articles.

How to Train

export DATASET_LOC="path/to/dataset"
export TRAIN_LOOP_CONFIG='{"dropout_p": 0.5, "lr": 1e-4, "lr_factor": 0.8, "lr_patience": 5}'
python3 scripts/train.py \
--experiment_name "llm_train" \
--dataset_loc $DATASET_LOC \
--train_loop_config "$TRAIN_LOOP_CONFIG" \
--num_workers 1 \
--cpu_per_worker 1 \
--gpu_per_worker 0 \
--num_epochs 1 \
--batch_size 128 \
--results_fp results.json 
  • experiment_name: A name for the experiment or run, in this case, "llm".
  • dataset_loc: The location of the training dataset, replace with the actual path.
  • train_loop_config: The configuration for the training loop, replace with the actual configuration.
  • num_workers: The number of workers used for parallel processing. Adjust based on available CPU resources.
  • cpu_per_worker: The number of CPU cores assigned to each worker. Adjust based on available CPU resources.
  • gpu_per_worker: The number of GPUs assigned to each worker. Adjust based on available GPU resources.
  • num_epochs: The number of training epochs.
  • batch_size: The batch size used during training.
  • results_fp: The file path to save the results.

How to Tune

export DATASET_LOC="path/to/dataset"
export INITIAL_PARAMS='{"dropout_p": 0.5, "lr": 1e-4, "lr_factor": 0.8, "lr_patience": 5}'
python3 scripts/tune.py \
--experiment_name "llm_tune" \
--dataset_loc "$DATASET_LOC" \
--initial_params "$INITIAL_PARAMS" \
--num_workers 1 \
--cpu_per_worker 1 \
--gpu_per_worker 0 \
--num_runs 1 \
--grace_period 1 \
--num_epochs 1 \
--batch_size 128 \
--results_fp results.json 
  • num_runs: The number of tuning runs to perform.
  • grace_period: The grace period for early stopping during hyperparameter tuning.

Note: modify the values of the --num-workers, --cpu-per-worker, and --gpu-per-worker input parameters below according to the resources available on your system.

Experiment Tracking with MLflow

mlflow server -h -p 8080 --backend-store-uri /path/to/mlflow/folder


python3 evaluate.py --run_id $RUN_ID --dataset_loc "path/to/dataset" --results_fp results.json
  "timestamp": "January 22, 2024 09:57:12 AM",
  "precision": 0.9163323229539818,
  "recall": 0.9124083769633508,
  "f1": 0.9137224104301406,
  "num_samples": 1000.0
  • run_id: ID of the specific MLflow run to load from.


python3 predict.py --run_id $RUN_ID --headline "Airport Guide: Chicago O'Hare" --keyword "destination" 
    "prediction": "TRAVEL",
    "probabilities": {
      "BUSINESS": 0.0024151806719601154,
      "ENTERTAINMENT": 0.002721842611208558,
      "FOOD & DRINK": 0.001193400239571929,
      "PARENTING": 0.0015436559915542603,
      "POLITICS": 0.0012392215430736542,
      "SPORTS": 0.0020724297501146793,
      "STYLE & BEAUTY": 0.0018642042996361852,
      "TRAVEL": 0.9841892123222351,
      "WELLNESS": 0.0013303911546245217,
      "WORLD NEWS": 0.0014305398799479008


python3 app.py --run_id $RUN_ID --num_cpus 2

Now, we can send requests to our application:

import json
import requests
headline = "Reboot Your Skin For Spring With These Facial Treatments"
keywords = "skin-facial-treatments"
json_data = json.dumps({"headline": headline, "keywords": keywords})
out = requests.post("", data=json_data).json()
  "prediction": "STYLE & BEAUTY",
  "probabilities": {
      "BUSINESS": 0.002265132963657379,
      "ENTERTAINMENT": 0.008689943701028824,
      "FOOD & DRINK": 0.0011296054581180215,
      "PARENTING": 0.002621663035824895,
      "POLITICS": 0.002141285454854369,
      "SPORTS": 0.0017548275645822287,
      "STYLE & BEAUTY": 0.9760453104972839,
      "TRAVEL": 0.0024237297475337982,
      "WELLNESS": 0.001382972695864737,
      "WORLD NEWS": 0.0015455639222636819

Testing the Code

How to test the written code for asserted inputs and outputs:

python3 -m pytest tests/code --verbose --disable-warnings

How to test the Model behaviour:

python3 -m pytest --run-id $RUN_ID tests/model --verbose --disable-warnings


To execute all stages of this project with a single command, workload.sh script has been provided, change the resource(cpu_nums, gpu_nums, etc.) parameters to suit your needs.

bash workload.sh


Makefile to clean the directories and format scripts:

make style && make clean

Served documentation for functions and classes:

python3 -m mkdocs serve
Downloads last month


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Inference API
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