Is tile_resample no longer available?

by SteffenR - opened

I used the SD Ultimate Upscale + ControlNet tile_resample with 1.5 models, but cannot find the appropriate model for SD 2.1. Which workflow is recommended for SD 2.1 models?
Do you plan to release a tile model, which works with SD 2.1?

Tile for sd 2.1 would be awesome!

Yep, it would also be very nice to also have the inpaint and shuffle and instructpix2pix (ip2p) for 2.1 and I would ditch the 1.5 models again :D

I really hope that you are still active, because a controlnet tile for sd2.1 would be heaven send! I guess the community would be really grateful if you could put in the work to release that as well! Thanks in advance!

Hi @thibaud !
If you're still around, SD v2.1 version of ControlNet "tile_resample" will be so helpful for the community πŸ™

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